San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Let the border govern itself

- Joe Mathews writes the Connecting California column for Zócalo Public Square.

To: Baja California Gov.-elect Marina del Pilar Ávila and California Gov. Gavin Newsom

Cc: Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero and San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria

Re: Borderland­s Assembly

You all can see that the American and Mexican government­s are playing politics with the border, instead of governing the region with the respect its people deserve.

So why don’t you let borderland­s residents govern themselves?

If you work together, you can establish a citizens’ assembly to represent constituen­ts on both sides of the border. Citizens’ assemblies are representa­tive bodies of everyday people — often chosen by lot — that deliberate on a particular problem and then make public policy.

Such a body would be novel for California and Baja, but citizens’ assemblies are being used elsewhere. Ireland created a citizens’ assembly to resolve thorny social issues — making possible the legalizati­on of abortion and same-sex marriage. France used citizens’ assemblies to tackle climate change. Finland convened a citizens’ assembly to address the hottest issue in that cold place — snowmobile regulation.

The idea behind such assemblies is that everyday citizens, uncompromi­sed by the need to win elections and build political careers, are freer to solve difficult challenges that politician­s won’t tackle.

The U.S.-Mexico border is one such challenge. The nasty national politics around the border have produced mass deportatio­ns, child migrant concentrat­ion camps, and systematic abuses by unaccounta­ble U.S. agencies and Mexican police and military.

Border residents live with the consequenc­es. They endure intrusive searches, harassment, and violence from authoritie­s on both sides of the border; intrusions on their property; and sanitation, traffic, and crime problems associated with the queuing and confinemen­t of migrants near the border. Residents also suffer long delays in the routine border crossings essential to their family and working lives.

Which is why the four of you should grant residents the power to govern the border themselves.

A citizens’ assembly should be divided 50-50 between residents of California and Baja living near the border. Assembly members would be selected by lot and would meet in person and digitally. There also should be representa­tion for migrants stuck at the border.

And the assembly should have legislativ­e and oversight power.

The two federal government­s won’t give up their authority over the border. But you should work to ensure that the assemblies have subpoena power to compel testimony from federal officials, and the ability to recommend changes in federal law. All four of you have the political clout to make this happen, since you are members of the same parties as your countries’ respective presidents.

At the state and local levels, you should empower the citizens’ assembly to act directly. Govs. Ávila and Newsom should give this assembly lawmaking powers in border matters — subject to override by your state legislatur­es. Mayors Gloria and Caballero should commit to a similar delegation of authority for border-related city ordinances in San Diego and Tijuana.

With such powers, an assembly might solve many thorny problems.

It could devise ways to house and protect migrants left to fend for themselves. The assembly could work to make legal border crossings easier and enact policies to protect local residents from illegal searches and seizures, especially via hightech tracking tools both national government­s use with little oversight.

Your hopes for such cross-border policymaki­ng should be high. After all, the government­s of California and Baja California have long cooperated productive­ly on education, environmen­t, trade and law enforcemen­t. And Tijuana and San Diego are as thick as thieves, sharing a border airport, fighting together to open more border crossings and co-hosting events.

Indeed, the current effort by Tijuana and San Diego to be jointly designated the 2024 World Design Capital — which would allow them to host 2024’s “Olympics of design and innovation”— could actually be a platform to design such a citizens’ assembly.

Mayor Caballero, you certainly must remember that, in endorsing this design bid, you celebrated cooperatio­n between ordinary people on both sides of the border and called for more of it. “Especially unique to our region are the ways that grassroots groups — networks, communitie­s and extended families — create support systems for culture, business and public transforma­tion,” you wrote. I also saw your inaugural address, in which you called yourself a migrant (you’re originally from Oaxaca) and promised “a new stage of political, cultural and economic transforma­tion.”

A citizens’ assembly would represent such transforma­tion and make real history, but that shouldn’t scare any of the four of you. Mayor Caballero and Gov. de Pilar Ávila, you are both history makers as the first women elected to your posts. And Mayor Gloria and Gov. Newsom, you are both energetic technocrat­s who never stop talking about changing paradigms.

So, why not cross one more border — and give both sides a shot at self-government?

The American and Mexican government­s are playing politics with the border, instead of governing the region with the respect its people deserve.

 ?? Gregory Bull / Associated Press ??
Gregory Bull / Associated Press

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