San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)


- Auto Correct by Hoang-Kim Vu & Wendy L. Brandes


1 Ends of pens

5 Approval from a Lab

8 Like chocolate


12 Swindles

17 Sound at a


18 Poetic salutes

20 Pain

21 Stuck out one’s

tongue as requested

22 Coffee shop loyalty

card reward

24 Get close to

25 Japanese fish


26 Noisy outbursts that are greatly appreciate­d?

28 Not very much

29 Give, as a driver’s


30 Brown quickly

32 Lemon scraping

33 Toot

36 __ A: Italian soccer


39 Loot

41 Strikes (out)

44 Bird voted “Most

Likely to Succeed”?

49 Like crudités

50 Fix, as a pet

52 __-di-dah

53 Watch closely

54 Fabricatio­n

55 Signed up

58 Beach town west of

Santa Monica 60 AED administra­tors

61 Messages hidden in

some brunch fare?

63 Made sense of

66 Atop, poetically

67 Court divider

68 Disgusted syllable

69 Wallach of “The

Magnificen­t Seven”

70 Tot’s perch on a bike

74 Bit of middle-school


79 Grasped

80 Used a rotary phone

82 When the dinner

bell rings

83 Not online, online

84 Truck’s tankful

86 Rollaway, e.g.

87 Crack a book

88 Actor Chaney

89 Halloween rental


93 Connect with

96 Writer Calvino

97 Like ta moko and

the haka

99 Indy 500 family



103 Govt.-issued IDs

105 Oft-removed throat


108 Delights

110 Bad news at an

Atlanta pie shop?

116 Garb

117 App buyer

118 Fishy scoopful at a

deli 119 Large-horned


120 Agitate

121 “__ Brockovich”

122 Teacher from the

old school?

123 “Yesterday” and


124 Long fish

125 Vote against

126 Apple Watch



1 Blue tag?

2 Pertaining to

3 Jessica of TV’s “The


4 Genus subdivisio­n

5 Some gummy


6 Parting mot

7 Art classes?

8 Corporal or private

9 Potential cause of

brain freeze

10 Exchanges

11 Reflexive pronoun

12 Onetime Volvo rival

13 Inhabitant

14 “It’s __!”

15 Predatory sharks

16 With 100-Down, change one’s approach, and a hint to the circled letters

19 Accomplish a lot

with little effort

21 Like potatoes

23 Some tablets 27 Situp’s target

31 Filmmaker with a

unique style

33 Bit of hardware

34 One of yoga’s five

vital forces

35 Piano-playing dog on “The Muppet Show”

37 Puerto Rico y


38 Abbr. in a research


40 “The Pioneer Woman” host Drummond

42 Fragrant compounds

43 Small detail?

45 “Makes sense now”

46 Muppet with a

puppy named Tango

47 In __: as found

48 Course obstacle

51 God, in Hebrew

56 “You win this hand”

57 Luge, e.g.

58 Convened

59 Puccini’s “La __”

60 Fiat

62 Uncouple

64 2002 American

League MVP Miguel

65 Transport to Tel Aviv

68 Abbr. in an email

subject line

70 Quite smart

71 Big sandwich

72 Woes

73 Cars named for

Henry Ford’s son 74 “Neon” fish

75 “Cool!”

76 Pottery ovens

77 Overact

78 Mid-range voice

81 Fertile soil

84 Demolish

85 Accumulate­s

87 Change direction

90 Activity at windmills and pinball machines

91 Create out of thin air

92 Show up for

94 Destroys, as books

95 Pants


98 One after another

100See 16-Down

101 Howe’er

102 “Lux et veritas”


104 “Fat Is a Feminist

Issue” writer Orbach

106 Sotomayor who said, “You cannot value dreams according to the odds of their coming true”

107 “Unless there are


109 Greek matchmaker?

111 Peddle

112 Número de leches en un postre específico

113 Jai __

114 NFL quarterbac­k


115 Port on some TVs

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