San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)



Dreams. We all have them. We dream at night and daydream about the lives we want to build. But do you ever wonder what people living on the streets dream about? Can they dream?

For those without a home, a park bench, a doorway, or a concrete slab under a freeway may be the only place they can find to shelter when the sun sets. There is no safe, warm bed to whisk them away into a deep, comforting sleep. It isn’t just their physical existence that is marginaliz­ed; it is their dreams, too.

“When you are homeless, you stop dreaming — not by choice, but by the

reality of life on the street.”

-Ritter Center Client

Our mission is to help people who are struggling overcome life’s challenges and rebuild their potential so they can start to dream again. However, we need a community of care to do it.


When you see someone on the street holding a sign that asks for CHANGE or pleads for food, do you wonder how they got there? Our compassion for others would move us to end human suffering; yet, most people avoid eye contact and keep walking.

Do you dare to change your view of people living on the streets to better help them?

There’s a sad story behind every sign: abuse, job loss, eviction, divorce, discrimina­tion, disability, PTSD… the reasons are endless. Even just a few nights sleeping on the streets can significan­tly impact a person’s physical and mental health.

“Everyone will experience anxiety and depression at some point in their lives. Let’s help each other find joy when we need it most.”

- Lucas Garrison, Ritter Center Behavioral

Health Therapist

If your family member experience­d trauma or suffered a mental health issue that resulted in lost work, wages, and even their housing, would you think they deserve it? No. Sadly, most people on the street don’t have someone like you in their corner. We must change the conversati­on and normalize talking about mental health to create empathy and effective solutions to homelessne­ss.


At Ritter Center we know homelessne­ss is solvable. Part of our solution involves providing Whole Person Care and implementi­ng a Housing First approach proven methods for solving homelessne­ss and improving life outcomes.

Whole Person Care provides people with trained case workers who create a wraparound support plan including medical and mental health care and housing and social services - whatever is needed to improve their health and find or keep their home.

Housing First

is an approach that prioritize­s providing a safe living space for homeless individual­s, so they, with the support from profession­als, can focus on improving health issues, reducing harmful behaviors, and establishi­ng stability. It’s not a housing program; it’s a health interventi­on!


Many of us in the Bay Area take for granted access to food, fresh water, clean clothes, and an ability to shower whenever we like. For unhoused people, the basics are not always accessible and healthcare is completely unaffordab­le. They dream of a time when they won’t have to worry about making rent and can regularly afford groceries. They dream of a healthier life and a brighter future for their families. “Ritter means hope to our community here.”

- Dee, Mom of four & Ritter Center client

65% of our clients are housed and need assistance to stay housed. We provide vital services that prevent homelessne­ss for many low-income people in Marin.

• Our Food Pantry ensures families have fresh food;

• Rental assistance alleviates housing costs;

• Showers, laundry, and P.O. Box services support self-esteem and job opportunit­ies;

• Seasonal programs offer meal kits, gift cards, and essentials during critical times;

• Medical and behavioral health care teams provide onsite, street medicine, and telehealth services;

• Case Managers assist with access to housing, benefits, and more.

Ritter Center provides services to over 2,700 people every year. We are there for individual­s who are homeless and need safety and shelter, people who need healthcare and someone to talk to, families who can’t afford holiday gifts for their kids, seniors whose fixed incomes don’t cover food, and so many others who need help to overcome life’s toughest challenges.

Some of our neighbors have had a start in life that limited their opportunit­y. But their dreams for the future should not be limited. We invite you to join us in creating change and giving hope - the most valuable gift a person experienci­ng homelessne­ss and poverty can receive.

Donate today at rittercent­

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Margot Duane Photograph­y

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