San Francisco Chronicle

California’s outdated law serves no one

- By Fred Martin Jr.

Visiting San Francisco General Hospital’s medical emergency room or walking the streets of San Francisco and seeing untreated, seriously mentally ill people would convince most observers that the biggest problem of the mentally ill is not stigma. Yet millions of tax dollars are spent on antistigma campaigns.

Those funds might be better used to open more acute psychiatri­c beds so mentally disturbed people don’t have to spend days strapped to a gurney in medical facilities not equipped to handle them.

This need is urgent: San Francisco has reduced the number of psychiatri­c beds at San Francisco General Hospital from 87 to 21 in order to cut costs. The psychiatri­c emergency room has become so overwhelme­d with patients that the police send nearly half of the people they pick up as 5150s (shorthand for the civil code that authorizes involuntar­y treatment of the mentally ill) to medical emergency rooms.

Many of the mentally ill end up in jail rather than in treatment. Thus, acute bed cuts billed as savings have simply shifted costs to the criminal justice system. This will become a bigger problem as county jails, under the state’s realignmen­t policy, must take in inmates previously housed in state prisons.

California needs to revise its 45-year-old Lanterman-petris-Short Act, a civil rights law designed to extract persons with mental illness from state hospitals with the expectatio­n that they would receive care and treatment in their home communitie­s. This expectatio­n failed.

The Lanterman-petris-short Act often doesn’t work because it only provides treatment if the person is considered imminently dangerous to him- or herself or others. The law, funded by Medi-cal , doesn’t provide treatment for mental illness per se. In the words of a front line case worker: “We can barely get folks in the hospital anymore even if the person is floridly psychotic and eating out of garbage cans.”

In 2004, California­ns approved Propositio­n 63, a mental health services law funded by a tax on millionair­es. It was sold to voters as a means to rescue severely mentally ill persons from homelessne­ss (as they are the vast majority of the homeless). A walk through downtown San Francisco would show this did not happen. More than half the money is siphoned off to grants for ancillary programs, such as antistigma programs.

Under current law, we often have to wait until a mentally ill person becomes violent in order to prove dangerousn­ess. Then, it is too late.

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