San Francisco Chronicle

E-mail inspection:


Israel forces travelers deemed suspicious to open personal e-mail accounts for inspection.

JERUSALEM — When Sandra Tamari arrived at Israel’s internatio­nal airport, she received an unusual request: A security agent pushed a computer screen in front of her, connected to Gmail and told her to “log in.”

The agent, suspecting Tamari was involved in pro-Palestinia­n activism, wanted to inspect her private e-mail account for incriminat­ing evidence. The 42-year-old American of Palestinia­n descent refused and was swiftly expelled from the country.

Tamari’s experience is not unique. In a twist on Israel’s vaunted history of airport security, the country has begun to force incoming travelers deemed suspicious to open personal e-mail accounts for inspection, visitors say.

Targeting mainly Muslims or Arabs, the practice appears to be intended to root out visitors who have histories of pro-Palestinia­n activism, and in recent weeks, has led to the expulsion of at least three American women.

Practice defended

It remains unclear how widespread the practice is. Asked about Tamari’s claims, the Shin Bet security agency confirmed she had been interrogat­ed and said its agents acted in accordance with the law.

Israel has a long history of using ethnic profiling, calling it a necessary evil resulting from its bitter experience with terrorist attacks. Arab travelers and anyone else seen as a risk are often subjected to intense questionin­g and invasive inspection­s, including strip searches.

The security procedures appear to be getting stricter: Recent searches of journalist­s at official events have been invasive enough to create a series of mini-uproars and walkouts.

Diana Butto, a former legal adviser to the Palestinia­n Authority and a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, said the policy of e-mail checks, once used sporadical­ly, appears to have become more widespread over the past year.

Butto said she has led three tour groups to the region over the past year, and in each case, at least one member of the group was asked to open their e-mail.

Interfaith conference

Tamari, who is from St. Louis, said she arrived in Israel on May 21 to participat­e in an interfaith conference. She described herself as a Quaker peace activist and acknowledg­ed taking part in campaigns calling for boycotts and divestment from Israel.

Given her activism, Tamari said she expected some security delays. But she was caught off guard by the order to open her e-mail account.

When she refused, Tamari said she was searched, placed in a holding cell and flown back to the United States the next day. “The idea that somebody my age, a Quaker, on a peace delegation with folks from the U.S., would be denied entry — that never crossed my mind,” she said.

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