San Francisco Chronicle

World War III


Sunday’s Insight has reached a new low. First, we have Debra J. Saunders’ trashing the proposed soda tax, and then Joe Mathews cheers us on to World War III. Is making a profit the sole purpose of life on Earth? Putin did not “seize Crimea” nor “start wars against Ukraine and Georgia” nor “bully European neighbors.” We have no reason to “declaw the Russian bear” or “keep Russian czars in their place.”

Mathews uses these as reasons to ramp up production of more weapons of mass destructio­n and more environmen­tal destructio­n by increased fracking in California. Does he want to set off more earthquake­s and destroy the quality and availabili­ty of good drinking water? He also suggests that our movie industry should ramp up propaganda against the evil Russians, all to beat the war drums for World War III.

Mathews warns us of China’s belligeren­ce. What belligeren­ce? This man agrees with the United States’ pivot to the east: a plan to start a war with China. Mathews cheers the nice profits of the war industry and the sugar soda industry. Has he no concern for our lives and our health?

Patricia Gray, Burlingame

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