San Francisco Chronicle

The next level of protection in cyberspace

- By David R. Baker

The password has failed. That ubiquitous annoyance of the digital age — the computer password — has proved itself to be profoundly unsafe. People forget them, or worse, use the same one over and over, for everything from buying a book on Amazon.comto protecting a bank account. Hackers half a planet away steal them by the thousands, if not millions.

And hackers use those purloined passwords to steal other things. The most recent example: nude photos swiped from the Apple iCloud accounts of

100 celebritie­s.

Security experts have argued for years that the password, at least as it’s used today, must go. They are less certain about what should replace it.

Apple and Samsung phones come with a fingerprin­t sensor — an increasing­ly popular approach. Some companies are developing eye-scanners, or programs that can identify people from the way they hold, type on or scroll through their mobile phones.

‘Do the work for us’

Others say the solution is better security software that eliminates the need for any firm to store passwords en masse.

“If you look out five years, passwords won’t work,” said Brennen Byrne, chief executive officer of Clef, an Oakland startup that uses amobile phone to verify identity. “We’re moving from a world where we log in to a hundred things a day to a world where we log in to a million things a day. And our phone, or something like it, will have to do the work for us.”

Many of the password’s problems lie in human psychology.

Most of us can’t remember a separate password for every online service we use. We prefer short, easily memorized words or numbers, not the long and complicate­d strings of characters that are harder for hackers to crack.

Even worse, the troves of customer passwords amassed by Web services, online retailers and banks have become tempting targets for thieves. In perhaps the best-known example, cybercrimi­nals in June 2012 stole passwords for 6.5 million LinkedIn accounts.

“It’s not that passwords per se are evil — it’s that we’ve been treating them as shared secrets,” said Steve Kirsch, founder of One ID, an authentica­tion startup in Redwood City. “I know the secret, and someone else knows it.”

Given the password’s inherent flaws, many companies have turned to biometrics, using the unique details of the human body as the ultimate source of identifica­tion.

Apple’s iPhone gives people the option of recording their fingerprin­t to unlock their phones with a single touch. They can also use their fingerprin­t to approve purchases on iTunes or the App Store. The Cupertino company introduced the feature last year.

McAfee’s Live Safe security system recognizes its customers by voice, and by sight. The system records each user’s face and voice, then uses the cameras and microphone­s built into computers and phones to verify their identity.

Brain monitors

UC Berkeley Professor John Chuang argues for going even deeper.

He and his colleagues have used the brain’s electrical activity to verify identity. The process requires people to envision a task, such as singing their favorite song or performing a sport they enjoy, while wearing a relatively inexpensiv­e EEG (electroenc­ephalograp­hy) monitor. The devices — made by several companies for about $100 — look like a telephone headset with a small arm touching the forehead rather than angling toward the mouth.

Granted, wearing a headset and performing a mental exercise to log in to a website may seem cumbersome. And buying a brain monitor may be asking a bit much of consumers. But Chuang says the process takes about as long as typing a password. And people are already dabbling with other forms of wearable tech.

“I guess this looks a little silly, but it’s something you can easily put on or take off,” said Chuang, with the university’s School of Informatio­n. “It looks a little like Google Glass.”

Easy changes

The idea is still years from implementa­tion, if it hits the market at all. But Chuang says the process is accurate 99 percent of the time. Like a fingerprin­t, the pattern of brain activity is a little different for everyone.

“We realized this approach has an additional benefit — you can change your song, your password, whenever you want,” Chuang said. “And this makes it different from traditiona­l biometrics. You can’t change your fingerprin­t.”

But fingerprin­ts, and brain waves, aren’t foolproof. If they are recorded and stored in a central location, they could become just another pool of passwords that are targets for theft. And if someone steals your fingerprin­t, they have it forever.

“It’s all a question of implementa­tion,” said Roel Schouwenbe­rg, principal researcher at Kaspersky Lab, a digital security firm. “In the end, your fingerprin­t or your retina scan is just a blob of informatio­n that can get intercepte­d and used. … You only have 10 fingerprin­ts. After that it gets more complicate­d. ”

Many companies try to get around that problem by making the user’s phone, tablet or computer the arbiter of identity. OneID’s system, for example, lets users confirm their identity to any participat­ing website with just one button click. The website will examine two identifica­tion “keys” — one sent from the user’s phone, the other from OneID’s servers — to verify that the user is who he or she claims to be. OneID’s servers don’t know the phone’s key, and vice versa.

“OneID fundamenta­lly says that your identity is determined by a secret code that is on machines that you control,” Kirsch said. “There’s no possibilit­y of a mass breach.”

Protecting phone

Of course, the phone itself should be protected — by PIN, password, or thumbprint — in case of theft, just as any phone should be. OneID’s system also gives users the ability to add a PIN for an extra layer of protection, if they want it. And if their phone is stolen, they can access their OneID account from another computer or device and lock out the missing phone.

That basic idea, making a phone or mobile device central to verifying online identity, may be about to take off. It’s being pushed by the Fido Alliance, a broad coalition of tech and financial companies that includes traditiona­l rivals Google and Microsoft.

“We start with the idea that you have a device, you authentica­te to it, it authentica­tes to the (web)site, and your identity sits on the device,” said Michael Barrett, the group’s president. “Sure, I could steal your phone, and I could get your phone to pretend to be you, but I can’t do that at scale.”

Fingerprin­t scan

Fido, which stands for Fast Identity Online, has developed a set of standards for companies to pursue the idea. In February, PayPal and Samsung announced a collaborat­ion blessed by Fido that lets PayPal users make payments with a swipe of a finger on a Galaxy S5 phone. The phone recognizes the user by a fingerprin­t scan, which is not transmitte­d over the Internet. The print is recorded, but it stays on the phone.

“If usability is not addressed properly, you’re not going to get buy-in,” said Ramesh Kesanupall­i, one of the alliance’s founders. “A single touch, a single swipe, or a single blink is a very natural user experience.”

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