San Francisco Chronicle

Gossiper unlikely to stop; tell principal

- By Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or Universal Press Syndicate

Dear Abby: I have overheard a person who works as an aide at the local elementary school talking about the students — discussing their special needs, behavioral issues, etc. I think it is appalling that she’s relaying confidenti­al informatio­n to others in the community.

I’m not sure what to do. Should I let the parents of these students know, or make the school administra­tors aware of the situation? Perhaps it’s not my place to interfere; however, I find her behavior to be unprofessi­onal.

If you print this, I hope it will open someone’s eyes.

Boiling Over in New England

Dear Boiling Over: I’m printing your letter, but I doubt it will silence a gossip who uses confidenti­al informatio­n to get attention. Inform the principal of the school and let him or her seal the leak. If that doesn’t work, inform the parents because they may want to take action.

Dear Abby: I have a friend whose son is in sales, and he asked to give me a presentati­on. My friend instructed me that I was under no obligation to purchase anything; he just needed to practice it. I complied and didn’t buy anything.

He has contacted me again to do another presentati­on because he has changed companies and wants to “practice” again. I dislike sales pitches and I’m also very busy. Ordinarily, I would just say no. However, because he’s my friend’s son I am unsure how to respond. Can you help?

Anonymous Out West

Dear Anonymous: Because you agreed previously, the young man may not realize that his asking again is an imposition. Simply tell him that you are very busy. Then explain that you agreed the last time as a favor to his parent, that you can’t do it, but you wish him luck.

Dear Abby: What do you do when the hostess at a club meeting won’t tolerate shared informatio­n or food, but instead tells you to be quiet and listen only to her history, gripes and opinions?

Dues Payer, Anywhere, U.S.A.

Dear Dues Payer: Ask other club members if they, too, are being treated this way and, if they are, how they feel about it. If you can all vote, it may be possible to remove her as hostess. However, if you are the only person she does this with, you might be happier being involved in another organizati­on where your contributi­ons will be appreciate­d.

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