San Francisco Chronicle

Public health finally prevails


Score one for science and public health. After wavering a week ago, a state Senate panel has come to its senses by approving a health measure to ensure wider vaccinatio­ns for children. It’s an encouragin­g decision that sets establishe­d research and medicine above the misguided fears of a small number of parents who are putting their children and others at risk.

The latest iteration of SB277 does away with the “personal belief’’ option that allowed antivaccin­e parents to avoid shots as a condition of attending school. It also drops the idea of allowing the parents to opt out by citing religion.

Instead, the law will let these objectors home- school their unvaccinat­ed children in multifamil­y groups, an arrangemen­t that addresses the needs of parents who can’t or won’t handle teaching duties themselves. The bill also allows an exemption for students in independen­t study programs.

While not perfect, these exceptions approved by the Senate Education Committee answer concerns by several lawmakers about unduly limiting access to school with a broad vaccinatio­n requiremen­t.

While relatively few parents object to vaccines, the numbers of antivaxxer­s have built to a tipping point where an outbreak of disease can spread quickly and do great harm to unvaccinat­ed people and others with impaired immune systems. The problem was underlined by a wave of measles traced to public crowds at Disneyland that spread to other states, Mexico and Canada.

This risk became lost amid misinforma­tion about the chemical dangers of vaccines ( not substantia­ted by research), links to autism ( unverified despite widespread myths) and demands for personal choice, now accommodat­ed by the home- schooling option. A hearing last week and on Wednesday brought out scores of parents who remain opposed to the preventati­ve shots despite a roster of health and medical groups that testified to their worth.

The bill’s authors, Richard Pan of Sacramento and Ben Allen of Santa Monica, both Democrats, were determined to limit loopholes used to evade the requiremen­t for childhood shots. Last week, the education panel balked at approving the bill, obliging the authors to come up acceptable changes.

The bill’s legislativ­e journey remains. It will need approval by another committee and the full Senate and Assembly before reaching the governor’s desk. It’s a process that California should encourage in the name of public health and safety.

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