San Francisco Chronicle

Back down, archbishop


Regarding “The archbishop and the real issues” ( Open Forum, April 22), as one of the signers of the April 16 open letter to the pope and a retired executive director of San Francisco Catholic Charities, Brian Cahill knows what he is talking about. Apparently, it is not just a small, unrepresen­tative group of frustrated Catholics who are speaking out against the “failed leadership” of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. Cahill’s numbers say everything. Eighty percent of the teachers in Catholic schools are upset with the archbishop, he states, as well as “thousands” of parent leaders of Teach Acceptance who have signed petitions and taped them to the cathedral doors.

It’s something like the 16th century friar Martin Luther, who nailed 95 theses to the church door at Wurttember­g, Germany. Old Lutherans like myself will remember this as unintended beginnings of the Protestant Reformatio­n and the Lutheran Church. Perhaps there are more than a few disgruntle­d Catholics who are concerned at the archbishop’s pastoral leadership. Perhaps this dismay can’t be blown off. Perhaps the church had better pay attention to its flock to make sure they have proper shepherds.

Margaret Stortz, El Cerrito

Exclusive church

I signed the letter about replacing the archbishop for all the reasons in Brian Cahill’s excellent piece, but also because the actions of the archbishop firmly place the Catholic Church in the realm of organizati­ons of exclusivit­y. I cannot belong to a church that is not fully inclusive. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone would separate me spirituall­y from those whose gender identity and sexual preference­s differ from my own.

Difference does not need to express conflict — simply diversity, in my view a rich and valuable component of our humanity. There is a hymn that is sung in many Christian churches these days, including at Catholic Mass, titled “All Are Welcome in this Place.” I want to believe that to be true in my church. Until it is, I cannot feel welcome there myself.

Larry Murphy, Sonoma

Australia lessons

We should be consulting with Australia, since they have been in a drought for years. Many of their businesses have cuttingedg­e ideas on using water wisely.

Lin Conrad, Richmond

New constructi­on

It would be great if, when reporting on the drought coverage and customers’ rising rates while cutting way back, we could find out why builders and new constructi­on are getting a free ride. There are new businesses and homes going up in Alameda, Livermore, Tracy, Orinda, and all the way to Sacramento that use thousands of gallons of water just to create the proper soil for digging.

Shelley Rite, Alameda

Solar push

Once again, the California Public Utilities Commission conspires with Pacific Gas and Electric and leaves the public helpless. Not content with judge- shopping and blowing up a San Bruno neighborho­od, PG& E is now bent on destroying the California solar power industry. Solar panels, like the ones on my home, depend deeply on time- of- use rates in order to make economic sense. PG& E’s proposals would reduce the benefit from my solar panels by hundreds of dollars a year, by shifting the highpriced periods away from early afternoon hours when I produce electricit­y, and into the evenings when I must buy power.

By flattening rate tiers, PG& E would reduce another benefit to solar customers, whose generation moves them into lower tiers. Home solar panels fight climate change, reduce dependence on foreign oil and other fossil fuels, and create jobs. But they inconvenie­nce utilities like PG& E, which have quietly fought them with every tool at their disposal. Will the Public Utilities Commission continue to be one of those tools? Or will it at long last stand up for the public good?

Walt Bilofsky, Tiburon

Don’t judge

Regarding “Forget it? Not likely” ( Editorial, April 21), so no one can ever be forgiven for even minor infraction­s, even after being punished for their presumed crimes? And “restorativ­e justice” is just a misnomer? Trying to tell one’s own truth after being unjustly accused is dismissed as attempting to suppress an investigat­ion? Objecting to a manipulate­d and coerced guilty plea by downplayin­g the significan­ce of the case doesn’t go far enough toward tarring the angry, closed- minded people who drove this case.

Robert Boese, Oakland

Sick preference

Maybe the anti- vaccine folks should carry signs reading, “Our family prefers measles.”

Pat McCulloch, San Francisco

Believe in health

This is to speak up for children whose parents refuse immunizati­ons because of “belief.” I was one of those children. I spent many nights tossing, hallucinat­ing and unable to convince my parents that I needed help. Then the confusion on return to school! I could not explain to teachers and principal why this continued to happen. All I could say was, “My mother says we don’t take medicine.” It only took entry to college for me to break free of those “beliefs.” The feeling of freedom was euphoric when I began to deconstruc­t past rules. I learned finally to question what I was told.

Barbara Newcombe, Oakland

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Tom Meyer / www. meyertoons. com

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