San Francisco Chronicle


- By Christophe­r Renstrom


( March 20- April 19): There are still things you want settled before you accept a truce, but there’s plenty of time to work out the details later. Meanwhile give peace a chance.


( April 20- May 20): There’s more to a helpful hint then sound advice. This timely tip could provide you with the means to a very rosy end.


( May 21- June 20): You offered to shoulder the burden until a friend got back on his/ her feet. It looks like the time to pass it back is swiftly approachin­g.


( June 21- July 21): Neither on nor off, you may feel like you should do something more decisive. But leave well enough alone. You and a certain someone are far from finished.


( July 22- Aug. 22): It was touchandgo for a while, but it looks like a relationsh­ip will make it to the other side of a rough patch. You can look forward to happier times.


( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): Someone’s last minute change of heart leaves a golden opportunit­y dangling in plain view. Seize it before this person realizes his mistake.


( Sept. 23- Oct. 22): You can hold the truth in the palm of your hand and still not recognize it. Wait until the 26th to see what’s what.


( Oct. 23- Nov. 21): A colleague you clashed with in the past wants to bury the hatchet. Say yes. You two should be playing on the same team.


( Nov. 22- Dec. 20): Finish up what you’re doing by week’s end and then hold all calls. You’ll soon be involved in an unexpected venture.


( Dec. 21- Jan. 19): A loved one or friend promised more than s/ he can deliver. Thankfully there isn’t much riding on this so work out a deadline that suits you both.


( Jan. 20- Feb. 17): You’ll be glad that you took time out to review a contract or lease when you spot a technicali­ty that works in your favor. Use it or lose it.


( Feb. 18- March 19): You may have started your spring cleaning late, but you’ll make up for lost time. Begin by dumping one- way obligation­s and dust bunny responsibi­lities.

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