San Francisco Chronicle

I help my son’s family and all I get is resentment

- By Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P. O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or www. dearabby. com.

Dear Abby: My son, “Rick,” and daughter- in- law, “Amy,” seem to really dislike me. They live with me. They have had job difficulti­es and work injuries that brought them back to my home. Her parents don’t care for my son, so living there was not an option. Amy does not help at all with the housework. Rick does most of it. They have a wonderful 21month- old boy. A second baby is on the way. They have lived with me for four years now. Amy shows no respect for my home or for me. I mostly keep quiet so as to not push away my only son. I want to be part of my grandson’s life.

Undervalue­d Out West Dear Undervalue­d: By allowing your son and daughter- inlaw to live with you for such an extended period of time, you have fostered their dependence on you. That may be why your daughter- in- law is resentful rather than grateful for your generosity in giving them a roof over their heads. That they would conceive a second child under these circumstan­ces — without jobs and no place of their own — tells me they are immature and irresponsi­ble. Give them a date to be out — say one month — and stick to it. If they want to know why, tell them the truth. You should not have to live in a house with a daughter- in- law who treats you like the enemy because it is not healthy for any of you. If you are afraid the only way to have a relationsh­ip with your grandchild­ren is to tolerate being used, I think you are mistaken. As long as you can provide material assistance to these two, they’ll keep you around. Dear Abby: My husband and I have been married for almost 31 years. We have had a good marriage, but for the last couple of years, my husband has told me that I snore. He is a very light sleeper, and understand­ably, it wakes him and then he wakes me to make me stop. This goes on all night long. Neither of us is happy in the morning. We have started sleeping in separate rooms. The issue I am having now is, my husband will be retiring in a few months and he wants us to do a lot of traveling, mainly cruising. I’m not sure how this will work with our new sleeping arrangemen­t.

Sleepy in Alabama Dear Sleepy: Have you discussed your snoring with your physician? Snoring can be a symptom of a medical problem that’s fixable. Earplugs might help your husband, but if there is a medical solution for your snoring, it would make your problem moot.

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