San Francisco Chronicle

GOP hopefuls pledge to support Israel


COLUMBIA, S.C. — Republican presidenti­al hopefuls eventually will have to start running against each other. But for now, many are content to run against President Obama, Iran and Middle East extremists.

At the South Carolina Republican convention on Saturday, Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor, called the president’s internatio­nal stewardshi­p “an unmitigate­d disaster.” Former Pennsylvan­ia Sen. Rick Santorum called Obama “weak.” Rick Perry, Texas’ former governor, blasted “vacillatio­n” by the administra­tion. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina called the president “feckless” on the world stage. And Graham and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas echoed each other as they accused Obama of “leading from behind.”

All five pledged loyalty to Israel and expressed varying levels of disdain for Iran.

The rhetoric — similar to what other potential GOP nominees are saying in early voting states — plays well at GOP venues where Obama is a reviled figure: the audience whooped, hollered and occasional­ly shouted “Amen” in response to the candidates. The approach also allows potential Republican nominees an easy transition into attacking former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the favorite for the Democratic nomination.

“Hillary Clinton is not going to be the person to lead us to a more stable future,” Bush said. “She has her fingerprin­ts on all these foreign policy disasters.”

The question, eight months before voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina start the nomination process, is whether any candidate can use promises of an aggressive foreign policy to distinguis­h themselves in a crowded field.

They certainly tried, as they spoke over two days to hundreds of people who will help shape the primary outcome here. Several couched their pitches in religion, particular­ly in their condemnati­on of the Islamic State group.

“The great issue of our time is a battle between Western values of freedom and this totalitari­an world view of Islamic fanatics,” Perry said.

Santorum went further, noting the public killings broadcast by Islamic State militants. “This is not a modern Islam,” he said. “It’s a 7th century Islam. So I have a suggestion: Let’s bomb them back to the 7th century.”

Bush didn’t explicitly mention religion but played up his support for Israel, which many conservati­ve American Christians view as the modern inheritors of the Old Testament covenant between the Judeo-Christian God and the ancient Israelites.

“The basic policy should be our friends know we have their back over the long haul, and our enemies need to fear us again,” Bush said.

Graham argued that the distinguis­hing component of the GOP’s foreign policy discussion­s will be experience and past leadership. He noted that he was an outspoken proponent of the troop surge in Iraq under President George W. Bush and that he criticized troop reductions in the region under Obama, saying the president was “fulfilling a political promise that never made sense.”

“I’ve been to Afghanista­n 23 times since 9/11,” Graham said, adding that he would pay more atten- tion to “commanders on the ground” than to polls.

Already having clashed with Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who takes a more skeptical view of American involvemen­t abroad, Graham said he will continue pushing an aggressive, specific foreign and military policy debate within the party.

He stopped short, however, of saying that the governors and former governors in the race are too inexperien­ced in world affairs.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who has already launched his campaign, created a stir when he told the Des Moines (Iowa) Register that governors can “read about foreign policy” but aren’t as actively engaged in it as senators.

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