San Francisco Chronicle

Republican­s in need of civics lesson


Debra J. Saunders in “‘Don’t know much about history.’ Ditto civics” (Insight, May 10) called out our schools for their failure to give our youth (and future voters) sufficient history and civics education to prepare them for informed participat­ion in elections. It seems to me she should be speaking to the current crop of announced and potential Republican presidenti­al candidates. They can’t have a false narrative that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles referring to the Bible and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

They are missing entirely that many, and the most influentia­l, of our founding fathers were free-thinking deists who were determined not to allow religious morality dominate to our laws, but rather rationalit­y and reason, hence our Constituti­on’s establishm­ent clause. They seem to ignore the principle that fundamenta­l rights, such as that to marriage, gender equality and equal justice under the law, are not subject to vote, whether at the state or national level. And perhaps most important, they fail to understand that the government is not to be resisted, but requires our attention, participat­ion, reasoning, compromise, cooperatio­n and our respect.

Asa DeMatteo, San Francisco

Sidewalk safety

Regarding Willie Brown’s “Sidewalk safety disrupted by digital distractio­ns” (May 10): I was reminded of how a once ordinary downtown stroll has become a challengin­g maneuver across the urban minefield. Speeding skateboard­ers, swirling scooters, cell-phone zombies and a brigade of panhandler­s await the unsuspecti­ng pedestrian. Reflecting on the man-made origins of these hazards, I wonder do we really need government interventi­on to save us from ourselves? Watch out, Willie Brown, for the fast-rolling wheel of karma.

Steve Abney, San Francisco

Trade questions

Michael Froman’s “Trans-Pacific pact reflects realities” (Insight, May 10) repeats many of the points raised by those in support of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, most of which are not in dispute. What Froman does not do is respond adequately to the critiques raised about the pact. He asserts that “The TPP will include the highest and most enforceabl­e labor and environmen­tal standards of any pact.” But he gives us no details by which to evaluate his evaluation.

More importantl­y he does not even address the critique made by Robert Reich in “Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p will make workers worse off” (Insight, May 10) and many others that “another provision that allows global corporatio­ns to sue countries whose health, safety, labor or environmen­tal regulation­s crimp their corporate profits. It establishe­s a tribunal outside any nation’s legal system that can force a nation to reimburse global corporatio­ns for any such ‘losses.’ ” Just tell us Froman if there is such a court, and if so, why is this good for people living here in America?

Rachel Kahn-Hut, Oakland

Emotional decision

In “Justice Scalia’s problemati­c logic” (Letters, May 10), it was noted that the role of the judiciary is to make wise judgments. I agree with the writer that the Supreme Court is not a place to make a decision based solely on one’s feelings. I also agree with his implicatio­n that Scalia has made some irrational statements. My argument with the author of this letter comes with his statement that emotions are the basis of all conflict.

Throughout the ages, teachers have professed that wisdom is achieved only when the mind, body and heart are in harmony. Irrational­ity comes when any one of these three aspects is out of balance. A decision based purely on intellectu­al facts can produce just as shallow and just as irrational results as a decision that is based only on one’s feelings. Think about it.

Carol Barben, Benicia

Luxury space

“S.F. a boomtown with tech, real estate leading the way” (May 10) on a moratorium on market-rate housing doesn’t mention the best reason to have one: Every location where luxury apartments take up space is a net loss of that location for the housing the community actually needs. Whatever the tech crowd invents next, it won’t be square footage.

Carol Denney, Berkeley

Embarrassi­ng mom

I was dismayed to read in “Bond with mom means she can embarrass you at any age” (May 9) that Toya Graham must now deal with Child Protective Protective Services. I think she deserves a medal. She kept her son from doing something stupid and potentiall­y harmful. In fact, she may have kept him alive. Wish more moms would embarrass their young adults into doing the same.

Maureen Dixon, El Cerrito

 ?? Sophia Germer / The Chronicle ?? An ordinary stroll in San Francisco can indeed become a challengin­g maneuver.
Sophia Germer / The Chronicle An ordinary stroll in San Francisco can indeed become a challengin­g maneuver.

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