San Francisco Chronicle

Internet of Things’ future collides with Jeep hackers

- By Nigel M. de S. Cameron Nigel M. de S. Cameron is the president and CEO of the Center for Policy on Emerging Technologi­es in Washington, D.C. To comment, submit your letter to the editor at­s.

News that hackers had messed with the controls of a Jeep Cherokee — first the heater, then the radio ... then the transmissi­on, then the brakes — sent a shiver down a lot of spines, and not just in the high-tech community and the auto industry. The entire industrial economy is amped up about the Next Big Thing, and that “thing” goes by the curious name of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Autos is a particular­ly sensitive part of the mix. But back to the Jeep. The fact that it was a “friendly” hack, and that Fiat Chrysler is issuing a fix, offers cold comfort. For what the hackers demonstrat­ed was not simply one particular vulnerabil­ity, but the sobering fact that a vast global engineerin­g company, no doubt paying big dollars to cybersecur­ity experts, could be out-maneuvered in a situation of life and death. And by a couple of guys in a basement — whose only contact with the Jeep was via their QWERTY keyboard.

The core idea behind the Internet of Things is to use increasing­ly cheap sensors (soon, we are told, to number in the trillions) and the growing ubiquity of Wi-Fi to create a “smart” world in which devices are continuous­ly connected and engaged with each other. Such connectivi­ty will make life easier for us, and drive economic value. So the future will have “smart” homes in “smart” cities — and we shall be traveling in “smart “cars. To put it in simple terms, the Internet’s “new economy” gets much more closely synced with the “old economy.” In the trade, they call it simply M2M; machine-to-machine.

Yet as the tale of the Jeep Cherokee shows, the “smarter” we get, the more interdepen­dent — and therefore potentiall­y more vulnerable — we become. Every fresh connection raises the stakes with all the exponentia­l inevitabil­ity of Moore’s Law itself.

We have already begun to learn this lesson with respect to informatio­n. Hackers have ransacked the data held by major corporatio­ns so often that it’s scarcely news any more. Visa, Sony, Target — the list keeps growing. The latest scandal, of course, is that of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the federal HR agency. It appears that more than 20 million personnel records have been siphoned off, including millions containing extremely sensitive high-security clearance applicatio­ns. Not so long ago the only way to filch that kind of data was with a photocopie­r.

What’s different, of course, with the Internet of Things is that the threat posed is not simply to informatio­n — but directly to people’s safety and indeed their lives. This is already true across a range of early applicatio­ns, from heating and locking your home to certain medical devices, to a host of uses in transporta­tion — including, of course, the Jeep Cherokee. As the “smart” movement advances to include self-driving cars (and trucks, and buses, and trains), a huge range of health care applicatio­ns and comprehens­ively connected smart homes, the risk curve gets steeper. And as it rises, perceived risk — what people worry might go wrong — can go off the scale. Just one big scare could lead to a huge loss of confidence — and correspond­ing market damage.

So what to do? The Internet of Things is with us and growing. By one estimate, we shall soon have 100 connected devices in every home. Management gurus at McKinsey & Co. reckon that by 2025 it will be driving up to $11 trillion of value — more than one-tenth of the global economy.

Here’s the thing: One spine shivering colder than most when the Jeep story broke was that of Fiat Chrysler’s flamboyant boss, Sergio Marchionne. He’s no typical CEO, aloof in the C suite behind layers of aides. I once saw him pull six different cell phones out of his pockets, and he’s famous for having dozens of direct reports. His company’s rapid decision to recall 1.4 million vehicles plainly came from the top. In the era of the Internet of Things, trust becomes ever more important to business.

Brands who stumble will pay a heavy price. Companies who want trusting customers will need to build cybersecur­ity into the core of their design and engineerin­g processes from the ground up, and hold everyone on the team responsibl­e; and we will expect them to operate with a high degree of openness. In the machine-to-machine economy our hard-won trust will need to be continuous­ly maintained if they want to stay in business. We shall expect transparen­cy and extreme reliabilit­y as the increasing­ly interconne­cted economy moves ahead.

I wonder if cybersecur­ity is a department among Marchionne’s direct reports. Perhaps it is now.

 ?? Joe Raedle / Getty Images ?? After “friendly” hackers took control of an Internetco­nnected Jeep Cherokee, Fiat Chrysler recalled 1.4 million vehicles.
Joe Raedle / Getty Images After “friendly” hackers took control of an Internetco­nnected Jeep Cherokee, Fiat Chrysler recalled 1.4 million vehicles.

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