San Francisco Chronicle

Date upset because I live with my ex

- By Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I am recently divorced. For financial reasons, as well as to be nice, I have allowed my ex-wife, “Cathy,” and her daughter to live in our home with me and my kids. Cathy has her own bedroom and bathroom. The subject of my living arrangemen­ts came up recently while I was on a date, and the woman immediatel­y freaked out. She angrily informed me that I should have told her my ex-wife was living with me when we started talking. I felt it was something that could wait, at least past the first date.

John in Kentucky Dear John: You did nothing wrong. Some divorced couples continue living together for financial reasons or to assist in co-parenting. If you told the woman about your living arrangemen­t before becoming intimate with her, she had no reason to freak out. Dear Abby: I’m a 54-year-old woman with three adult children and three grandchild­ren. I lost my mother 34 years ago, and my baby sister died 20 years ago. My dad is 84 and lives alone. Although he was a good provider, he was abusive toward my mother and occasional­ly toward me and my siblings. Dad and my younger brother do not communicat­e, period. However, my older sister is a daddy’s girl. I have been married three times, and each man was in some way abusive — physically, mentally or both.

When I reached out to my dad for help, he would respond by telling me, “You’re just like your mother, which is why I can’t stand being around you sometimes. I wasn’t responsibl­e for her feelings, and I’m not responsibl­e for yours.” I live in a three-bedroom bungalow and I tried to help relocate Dad closer. He refused, saying, “If I don’t hear from you tomorrow or you die, I’ll be OK. I was when your mother died and I will be after you.” He has said that and worse to me throughout my life. When I have shared this with family, I’ve been told, “He’s all the father you have,” or “You have to pray for him.”

Conflicted in Ohio Dear Conflicted: If you need my permission to move on and have a happy life, you have it, and no one should try to make you feel guilty for your decision. Your father has done enough damage to your soul. You do not have to allow him to hurt or disappoint you again. Wanting to keep your distance from an abuser is both healthy and understand­able.

Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

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