San Francisco Chronicle

I’m going to miss Speaker Boehner

- DEBRA J. SAUNDERS Debra J. Saunders is a San Francisco Chronicle columnist. E-mail: dsaunders@ sfchronicl­ Twitter: @DebraJSaun­ders

I am going to miss John Boehner as House speaker. The GOP looks like the fun party with its ring-a-ding leader and his dash of Dean Martin. Boehner even sauntered into his press conference announcing his resignatio­n Friday crooning “Zip-a-dee-doo-day. Zip-a-dee-ay. My oh my what a wonderful day.” The speaker chose not to cling to power, but to walk away without compromisi­ng his supporters.

“Why do I want to make my members, Republican members, walk the plank?” Boehner explained on “Face the Nation” Sunday. The son of a barkeep wants to avoid a government shutdown — also known as

another government shutdown. He knew his effort to thwart a kamikaze mission could invite his party’s “knuckle draggers,” as he calls them, to challenge his leadership. Republican­s who stood by Boehner then might face a primary challenge.

Boehner knew his perch was precarious — he likened being speaker to trying to keep 218 frogs in a wheelbarro­w. So rather than fight, Boehner, 65, shrugged. His is not an Ayn Randian Atlas shrug, so much as what Politico’s Glenn Thrush described as an “‘I’m just playing the cards I’ve been dealt,’ nicotine-induced Zen” shrug.

I am going to miss the era of smoke-filled rooms and chainsmoki­ng power brokers. Boehner’s likely replacemen­t — Kevin McCarthy, 50, of Bakersfiel­d — has a West Coast sensibilit­y. McCarthy leads his fellow R’s on early-morning mountain bike rides when the House is in session. (I learned on “Face the Nation” that Boehner does yoga, but not, I presume, while caucusing.)

I am going to miss those basset-hound eyes that shed endless sentimenta­l tears. I am going to miss that orangy mug. It takes a tough man to tinge his skin the same tint as Arnold Schwarzene­gger’s hair. I am going to miss references to Boehner’s patronage at Trattoria Alberto and Pete’s Diner. There’s something endearingl­y old school about a pol who frequents businesses known by an owner’s first name.

I think President Obama also may miss Boehner more than I. The softy speaker, after all, fell for Obama’s ruse about wanting to reach across the aisle to cut a grand bargain.

I am going to miss the speaker who got rid of earmarks — pet pork-barrel spending — out of conviction, even though it made it harder for him to impose discipline among his ranks. I am going to miss the barkeep’s son who didn’t believe in fighting for the sake of fighting. He didn’t go for destructiv­e stunts like the 2013 government shutdown championed by Sen. Ted Cruz, RTexas. After that house of cards collapsed, he hoped Tea Party members would see that shuttering the government is a losing tactic. As he said Sunday, “Have the courage to do what you can do. It’s easy to have the courage to do what you can’t do.”

 ?? Steve Helber / Associated Press ?? Speaker John Boehner is leaving after a rocky tenure.
Steve Helber / Associated Press Speaker John Boehner is leaving after a rocky tenure.
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