San Francisco Chronicle

Cyclists won’t stop


Mayor Ed Lee and John Stanford are right. Cyclists should obey the law or risk the consequenc­es. Traffic rules contribute to safety largely by creating a predictabl­e dynamic among all who use the streets and the sidewalks. The unpredicta­bility of cyclists even today is already a danger, since they follow the rules less than most I witness. My husband was nearly hit while riding his bike because another cyclist blew through a stop sign that he was starting up from after stopping properly. The car that arrived on the cross street accelerate­d after the first bike blew through, not noticing the cyclist (my husband) who had stopped. Loss of predictabi­lity endangers safety. The cyclists should follow the rules like everyone else, not make up their own as they go.

Kathryn Bowsher, San Francisco

When to stop on bicycles

A majority of pedestrian­s and drivers are resistant to changing traffic laws for bicycles out of ignorance of bicycling. If they would ride bicycles, and San Francisco’s new bicycle lanes have encouraged this, many would realize that Idaho’s bike stop law protects bicyclists from injury without endangerin­g pedestrian­s or autos. There are bad pedestrian­s, drivers and cyclists on the road now whose illegal and irresponsi­ble behavior would remain a violation under the new law. Current traffic law needs to be changed for cycling. A small first step is for police to cite bicyclists for running a stop sign only when there is cross traffic, particular­ly pedestrian­s. I hope Mayor Ed Lee will consider supporting this approach.

Michael Barnes, Brisbane

Success illusion

Carly Fiorina is the epitome of a certain style of U.S. corporate management that defines “success” as using leveraged buyouts, worker layoffs and assets stripping to create a temporary illusion of profitabil­ity, then bailing out with a golden parachute just when it’s time to actually run the business profitably. When the day comes that presidents are free to walk away when things get tough, then and only then will “business” people like Fiorina be legitimate candidates for political office. In the meantime, the reality is that Fiorina, and too many like her, have yet to succeed at anything except feathering her own nest at other people’s expense.

Riley VanDyke, San Francisco

Mission vandals

Regarding “Mission vandalized after Serra’s canonizati­on” (Sept. 28): Vandals chose the cowardly course by defacing the cemetery and statue of Junipero Serra of Mission San Carlos in Carmel. One wonders how far these miscreants will go on there next foray. Will those with whom they disagree be subjected to journalist­ic harassment? The disrespect shown for religious figures is a symptom of an amoral society, which explains how uncouth California has become during the President Obama/Gov. Brown regime. One must be politicall­y correct or, watch out, Nelly brace the barn door, the politicall­y correct vigilantes are roaming the streets!

Mike Mcadoo, San Francisco

Women in the ministry

Pope Francis has spoken about the need and has encouraged dialogue regarding “a new profound theology of women in the Catholic Church.” Thus, Father Jack McClure, who has served the people of Most Holy Redeemer Parish in San Francisco over the last 15 months, participat­ed in a dialogue at the Women’s Ordination Conference in Philadelph­ia. As a result, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has informed Father McClure he may no longer celebrate liturgy in the Archdioces­e starting Oct. 1. The Acts of the Apostles indicates women led the community in worship and played an integral part in ministry in the early church. Catholicis­m has not embraced women’s ordination because men in power continue to raise issues totally unrelated to the intrinsic nature of ordination and service. It is sad that someone as well meaning and welcoming to parishione­rs as Father McClure must cease serving the community because the archbishop is unwilling to support his priests instead of aspiring to advance politicall­y within the institutio­n. It is unknown whether women will want to buy into the current hierarchic­al structure of ordination, but the dialogue must begin or the church will lose many of its most creative and talented members.

Patricia Mattox, Fremont

Pedestrian caution

Going back 60 years ago, my mother would caution me to watch out for the cars as I walked to school, to the library or to the park. Today, we caution our grandchild­ren to watch out for the bicycles when we take them for a walk in our neighborho­od. Thank you, Mayor Ed Lee, for not yielding to the bicycle assembly on the “Idaho Stop” rule.

Alfred Mammini, San Francisco

Civility matters

I live in the East Bay and come to the Union Square area every week to attend service at Glide Memorial Church. This past Sunday, as I entered the city, I witnessed a woman defecating on the street just as I came off the Bay Bridge at the Fifth Street exit. When I got to Union Square and began walking to Taylor Street and Ellis Street, I witnessed a man urinating on the sidewalk at the Hilton Hotel, right where visitors get on the buses. San Francisco could take a page from the New York City’s efforts to clean up their streets. The mayor, the district attorney and the San Francisco supervisor­s need to polish the “Jewel of the Bay Area.” If the city can’t figure out what to do, maybe a city grant to Glide Memorial Church or other charities and their programs that have been proven to work with the homeless would be a start and a great partner to help the mentally ill and the downon-their-luck people of San Francisco. Let’s bring civility back.

Michele Collins, Fremont

Lead by example

Regarding “A welcome change in climate” (Editorial, Sept. 26): I was reminded that action from many nations will be needed to address climate change. You wrote: “The cost of combatting climate change should lessen as more countries follow through on their commitment­s” and “the rest of the world takes inspiratio­n from California’s leadership on this issue.” California­n and American leadership on carbon emission reductions will surely make a difference, but I’m skeptical that merely setting a good example will result in other nations passing their own carbon emission reductions. Good will alone rarely passes laws. If (and when) we enact a domestic price on carbon, we should include a border adjustment on goods imported from or exported to countries without an equivalent price on carbon. This adjustment would both discourage businesses from relocating to where they can emit more carbon emissions and encourage other nations to adopt an equivalent price on carbon.

Stuart Collins, San Francisco

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