San Francisco Chronicle

I don’t want to move to North

- Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or Universal Press Syndicate By Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I have been married to my amazing husband for two years. He has worked his butt off to put me through school, and I am appreciati­ve and thankful. He has recently been offered a promotion, which means we will have to move from the South to the Midwest.

Though I’m not a fan of the idea, I agreed it would be best for us. I grew up in the North, and took the chance to move down south at 18 because I was miserable there. I hate the possibilit­y that I’ll be miserable again, and I’m afraid I may end up resenting my husband. But if he passes up this opportunit­y, he may not get another.

How can I curb my resentment for having to move to another state I’m pretty sure I won’t be happy in?

Florida Girl, for Now Dear Florida Girl: One way would be to recognize that you are no longer the miserable 18-year-old girl you were when you moved down south. You have matured, you have a successful marriage and you won’t be returning alone. Once you relocate, involve yourself in the community so you can make new friends.

And last (but not least), because people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be, decide to make the best of this opportunit­y and allow yourself to be happy. Dear Abby: I lost my best friend to AIDS in ’95, my father to cancer in ’06 and my husband/lifetime partner to a heart attack in ’07.

My greatest support, John, moved away the following year. A father, friend and partner — too many losses.

John filled the holes in my heart, but he’s also gone now, from leukemia. I mourn my losses, but cherish the love I have been given. Please remind your readers to appreciate whom and what they have. Don’t wait for a “special” day. Call the people you love today and tell them how much they mean to you. I’m calling my mother now.

Mike in New Orleans Dear Mike: I’m sorry for the losses of your father, your best friend, your partner and John. I’m passing your message along because I, too, believe the time to hand roses to those we care about is when they are still able to smell them.

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