San Francisco Chronicle

‘Star Wars’ trivia quiz

Here are some mind-bending trivia questions about “Star Wars.” Answers on Page 19.


1. What calendar date is designated Internatio­nal Star Wars Day?

2.What Great American Hero and what tennis-shoe-wearing computer tested for the roles of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, respective­ly?

3. Which main character was at an early stage intended to be a gilled, greenskinn­ed monster?

4. Even die-hard fans have trouble praising George Lucas’ dialogue. But according to the book “Easy Riders Raging Bulls,” who complained, “George, you can type this (expletive), but you sure can’t say it”?

5. It’s well known that C-3PO and R2-D2 make an appearance of sorts in director Steven Spielberg’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” but what other Spielberg movie is referenced in the prequels’ Galactic Senate?

6. George Lucas is a “Family Guy” fan. From where does that show’s “Star Wars” parody episode, “Blue Harvest,” get its title?

7. So where did Lucas get the title “Blue Harvest” from?

8. What main character was originally named Starkiller?

9. Of the six episodes so far, which, according to Rotten Tomatoes, has the highest critics’ rating, and where does its total gross rank in the series (not counting reissues, etc.; worldwide and not adjusted for inflation)?

10. Which is the lowestrate­d, and where does its gross rank?

11. How are “Army of Darkness” and “The Day the Earth Stood Still” referenced in “Return of the Jedi”?

12. What sci-fi TV series made Han Solo a kind of recurring character by placing models of him (encased in Carbonite) in the background of various scenes?

13. What surprising bit of clothing did Peter Cushing wear during many of his scenes as Grand Moff Tarkin, and why?

14. Ewan McGregor (inset) was Anakin Skywalker’s de facto brother/father figure as ObiWan Kenobi in the prequels. But what actual uncle of McGregor’s played a character in the series?

15. Boba madness: (a) What Marvel Cinematic Universe filmmaker is credited as a key designer of the armor of one of the most popular “Star Wars” characters, Boba Fett? And (b) In what movie is the actor who played Boba Fett first visible unmasked (or unhelmeted)?

16. Who was the first actor to play Anakin Skywalker?

17. What ignominy did that actor suffer at George Lucas’ hands?

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Lucasfilm 1999

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