San Francisco Chronicle

Gavin Newsom on the edge

As mayor and as lieutenant governor, Gavin Newsom has been unafraid to take risks on controvers­ial issues:



When: February 2004 What: The mayor ordered the county clerk to issue marriage licenses to samesex couples in open defiance of state law.

Backdrop: The California Supreme Court halted the process within a month, and voided the nearly 4,000 marriages that were recorded. The S.F. rebellion heightened the national attention on the issue; voters in 13 states passed constituti­onal bans on same-marriage, which helped boost President George W. Bush’s reelection campaign.

His quote: “I do not believe it’s appropriat­e for me, as mayor of San Francisco, to discrimina­te against people ... and if that means my political career ends, so be it.”

In contrast: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, DCalif., said after the 2004 election that the mayor’s action was “too much, too fast, too soon.” Openly gay Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., called it a mistake that provoked fears and “created a sense there was chaos.”


When: October 2013 What: Announced his full support for the idea of legalizing marijuana for recreation­al use by adults. He put together a 16-member panel of medical, legal, political and law enforcemen­t experts to determine the best way to achieve it in a November 2016 ballot initiative.

Backdrop: A 2012 measure to legalize marijuana, Prop. 19, had been defeated. Other statewide officehold­ers, Democrats all, avoided the issue.

His quote: “We’ve been sitting here most of my life — literally and not just figurative­ly — fighting this failed war on marijuana, and the results are pretty overwhelmi­ng. ... I’m proudly now asserting a point of view that I’ve had, candidly, for years and didn’t have the courage at the time to express it.”

In contrast: Gov. Jerry Brown scoffed at the idea: “How many people can get stoned and still have a great state or a great nation?” Attorney General Kamala Harris has been decidedly circumspec­t, saying she had “no moral objection” to legalizing recreation­al marijuana, but has stopped short of endorsing the idea.

 ?? Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle ??
Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle

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