San Francisco Chronicle

It’s up to Trump to curb charged rally atmosphere


WASHINGTON — The security ring protecting Donald Trump includes Secret Service agents, his own private bodyguards, local police, sometimes even the Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion. But even that show of force has not halted disturbing episodes of violence. The only person who can stop Trump from egging on the brawling crowds is Trump himself.

His Secret Service detail is limited to keeping Trump safe and the venues where he speaks secure. Local law enforcemen­t officers are there to keep the peace, along with private security hired either by the venues or Trump.

“The Secret Service is not the word police,” said Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcemen­t Officers Associatio­n Foundation, a union that represents Secret Service agents.

Trump denies that he contribute­s to the violence at events around the country, even though on Tuesday night he predicted “riots” and “a tremendous problem” if Republican leaders try to maneuver the nomination away from him. He has said at a rally he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupte­d a rally would be “carried out on a stretcher.”

“Our concern is overt acts of threats to our protected” officials, Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy told Congress on Tuesday. “People have the right to voice their opinions, and it’s for the host committee to decide whether or not that’s disruptive to that event.”

Agents with the campaign detail only advise campaign staff or a candidate about security concerns, Clancy said. The campaign, he added, generally decides whether a protester should be removed — something Trump usually does by saying, “Get ’ em outta here.”

Trump asked for Secret Service protection in October as his popularity swelled, along with the crowds. His federally funded security detail was put in place in early November. The Secret Service has declined to say how many agents have been assigned to protect Trump, citing security concerns.

Even before federal security protection, private security surrounded Trump during campaign events.

Through the end of January, his campaign reported paying about $ 170,000 for security, according to Federal Election Commission filings. That includes at least $ 55,000 to security firms and local police department­s since Trump asked for Secret Service protection.

The campaign doesn’t include the nearly $ 78,000 paid to Trump’s personal security chief, Keith Schiller. The majority of that money the campaign reports as “prepaid payroll.”

 ?? Charles Rex Arbogast / Associated Press ?? Supporters of GOP presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump ( left) face off against protesters after a rally at the University of Illinois- Chicago was canceled over security concerns on March 11.
Charles Rex Arbogast / Associated Press Supporters of GOP presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump ( left) face off against protesters after a rally at the University of Illinois- Chicago was canceled over security concerns on March 11.

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