San Francisco Chronicle



- By Minerva

Uranus (the “rules are made to be broken” planet) does a quick trine to Mercury on Friday before doubling back to retrograde in Aries. Talk about conflict, talk about a game changer. This week you think about the changes you made and decide whether they’re working. It’s not too late to make adjustment­s. Aries (March 19-April 18) We all know you’re a force to be reckoned with, Aries, but now — with Uranus sitting in your sign — you’re unstoppabl­e. Just keep in mind that all-powerful but also fickle Jupiter still lurks in your work house. Taurus (April 19-May 19) There’s an elephant sitting in your closet — your secret sector. His name is Uranus. Meanwhile, Mercury puts a temporary damper on adventurou­s plans. Since family members are involved, this week looks like an eggwalk. Gemini (May 20-June 19) Helping hands are ready for the grabbing, friends are out in force, a theme that continues throughout the year. Trust the salesperso­n in you to work miracles. Cancer (June 20-July 21) Famous? Infamous? Which will it be? You may well wonder, with erratic Uranus sitting in your house of public standing. Uranus is the planet of reversals, last-minute changes and shocks. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. This week you receive insight into who’s who. Leo (July 22-Aug. 21) You were born to roam — mentally as well as physically. It’s a key matter this summer as Uranus focuses attention on growth issues, particular­ly through education and travel. Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 21) While Uranus issues a startling wake-up call regarding shared resources, your biggest challenge lies in the body, mind and soul department. You’re driven to make major decisions but would be far better of waiting for at least a week. Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21) Yes, you’re gentle, sweet and utterly charming. But remember, no matter how many people are in the car, you’re the driver. This week you’re going to say exactly what you think, in a very loud voice. Is the world ready for this? Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 20) You’re a bundle of energy and innovation. Except here comes Uranus with a work/health alert. Boring! But, let’s face it, those two nitty-gritties are the backup needed to keep you twirling and whirling. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Your killer smile comes easy as Jupiter pulsates in your fame sector. Uranus continues to be a randy fellow frolicking in your play house. Enjoy a pleasant week, but postpone mega-shopping decisions. Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) This week should be Capricorn paradise. Unfortunat­ely “should” is the operative word. Though Uranus pushes you to think outside the box, plunging ahead and blithely winging it could set you on a disaster course. Hold off a week on priority decisions. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 17) Who knows, you may become the world’s best-loved — no. Best-hated? No, again. Let’s settle for best-known blogger. Uranus, master of surprises, acts as an unruly assistant, expanding your bandwidth, adding zip to your communicat­ions. Pisces (Feb. 18-March 18) With Uranus sitting in your “wish” house, anything can happen. Just be very careful what you wish for. Remember the story about the woman who wished for a pickle and it stuck to her nose?

Minerva’s mailbox

Q: I have followed your column for many years. I wonder why I am now an Aries, rather than Pisces? March 19, 1957, San Francisco. Please advise. — Joe A: The sun is so fickle! It moves at different hours every year. You are a cusp kid, so sometimes March 19 falls in Pisces and sometimes Aries. On March 19, 1957, it was Pisces. I think cusp kids get good stuff from both sides — in your case, Pisces mysticism and intuition coupled with Aries’s ambition and drive. You act on your hunches and they pay off for you.

To ask Minerva a question, go to www.ask or write to Minerva, Sunday Datebook, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103.

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