San Francisco Chronicle

Small drones take off, but rules stall broad use

- By Lisa Ellman and George Little Attorney Lisa Ellman is co-founder of the Commercial Drone Alliance and previously advised the Obama administra­tion on drone policy. George Little is a partner at the public affairs advisory firm Brunswick Group where he c

This week marks a milestone for the U.S. drone industry. A Federal Aviation Administra­tion rule that went into effect Monday is the first to broadly authorize flying “small” (under 55 pounds) drones in the United States for commercial purposes. This means drone operations that comply with the rule’s flight restrictio­ns — including generally traveling no higher than 400 feet, within visual line of sight and during daytime hours — can now benefit a range of industries in innovative ways.

This is welcome progress and long overdue. Despite U.S. leadership in the technologi­cal revolution, it’s playing catch-up on commercial drones. This is because there remain government-imposed roadblocks to operate drones commercial­ly in the U.S.

On the bright side, in addition to the new rule, we have seen recent significan­t advancemen­ts. The White House held its first workshop on commercial drones earlier this month, where a broad range of commitment­s were made to move the industry forward. In May, industry and nonprofits agreed on a set of voluntary best practices for protecting privacy while operating drones.

But there’s still work to do. The U.S. is behind the rest of the world on drone adoption. Japan, for example, has been crop dusting with drones for decades. The handful of U.S. companies that are actually driving drone innovation have been forced to do so largely outside of our borders. Amazon is testing its own delivery operations in the United Kingdom. UPS will begin to use drones to deliver medical supplies in Rwanda later this year.

A few steps are critical if we expect to keep America competitiv­e in the global drone industry.

First, the process for obtaining waivers under the new rule must be streamline­d. Prior to this week, commercial drone operators must have received a special license in order to fly. That process moved at a snail’s pace, with some of the several thousand applicatio­ns sitting in the FAA’s queue for over a year and never receiving a response.

Second, we need additional rules that broadly authorize safe flights above people, beyond visual line of sight and at night. Otherwise, critical drone operations that often must occur in these conditions — such as disaster response, news gathering or agricultur­e — will be stalled.

Third, government should expedite existing efforts to create a drone traffic management system and allocate spectrum for drone communicat­ions.

Finally, industry must do its part to advance commercial drone adoption. This means educating consumers on drones’ benefits and privacy issues. Some industry representa­tives, including the Commercial Drone Alliance, are already working on this. Public acceptance of the technology is a critical factor in drone policy. Industry should also innovate with an eye to safety: think perfecting collision-avoidance, geo-fencing (a virtual barrier that uses GPS positionin­g) and similar technology.

The FAA small drone rule is a major step forward. Hopefully government and industry will continue its work to see commercial drones safely and broadly integrated into our airspace.

In the meantime, register your drone, get your remotepilo­t certificat­e, and learn about the new rule and privacy best practices before you fly. While we are eager to move policy forward, we all can agree that safety and privacy protection­s are paramount.

 ?? Ethan Miller / Getty Images ??
Ethan Miller / Getty Images

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