San Francisco Chronicle

End the anti-Muslim rhetoric


In the recent past, many Muslims have been discrimina­ted against in the name of fighting terror. Islamophob­ia in America is a political construct which politician­s, like Donald Trump and the leaders of various factions in Europe, hope to use to rise to power.

It is a new, sugarcoate­d way of expressing racism and discrimina­tion against Muslims. Donald Trump, the Republican presidenti­al candidate, has advocated for a total and complete shutdown on Muslims gaining admission to the country. But his right-wing populism is not exclusive to the U.S.

In Europe, France, and Hungary have also used boldly threatenin­g rhetoric against Muslims. This narrow-mindedness results from a popular narrative that associates Muslims with terrorism. Indeed, the only thing rising faster than the threat of Islamic terrorism in the world is the output of racist discourse by American and Western European leaders.

The language used in political rhetoric has the same ability to divide as it does to unite. Politician­s like Donald Trump see anti-Muslim rhetoric as a backdoor to the presidency and hope to use it to make the general population feel protected from the threat of terror groups like ISIS.

Khairuldee­n Makhzoomi, Van Nuys

Plans and policy

Regarding “Water crisis: 1 plans, 1 scoffs” (Sept. 19): Thank you for your excellent reporting on Hillary Clinton’s plans to address the drought. I believe it was the first article I’ve read about this election that did not include any negative remarks about her. Hurrah for that. Please keep reporting about plans and policies, rather than personalit­ies.

Ellen Obstler, San Rafael

Generic alternativ­e

Regarding “Sting season: Yellow jackets in frenzy” (Sept. 18): Tom Stienstra’s excellent and informativ­e article about yellow jacket deaths gave me a shudder when I realized the monopoly companies that manufactur­e the EpiPen and other live-saving drugs have over fixed-income seniors and other lower-income folks.

It is in effect creating a moral have and have-nots crisis in the health care industry. If my wife, for example, who like other dangerousl­y allergic people mentioned in the article were to likewise die because agencies or we couldn’t afford the life-saving drug, what would be our recourse?

Noel Robertson, Fairfax

Stabilize revenue

Regarding “State goes forward — and back” (Editorial, Insight, Sept. 18): The Chronicle’s argument that California can’t rely on taxing the rich because the revenue is “unstable” is as valid as arguing that we can’t rely on renewable energy for power because wind, sun and hydro are intermitte­nt.

Questions of how to provide a stable power supply are valid, but the necessary batteries are available and better ones are being developed. Fortunatel­y, worries about intermitte­nt power haven’t stopped California­ns from shunning dinosaur fuels in favor of renewables. Similarly, if we reap tax revenues from the rich when the economic sun shines, we can certainly stabilize the process by setting some aside for a rainy day. David Fairley, San Francisco

Upset the balance

Regarding “On media criticism — fair and balanced?” (Sept. 19): E.J. Dionne Jr. has it exactly right about the timidity of the media to do its job and to stop worrying about “fair and balanced” when it is no longer fair and balanced.

As a steady reader of both The Chronicle and the L.A. Times, I moan every morning as I see story after story suggesting the Hillary Clinton is “losing” and that Donald Trump has made another outrageous comment, one that all too frequently is merely fascinatin­g in its craziness.

If one reads and listens to the media, one would conclude that Donald Trump, braggart and poor businessma­n, has continued to whittle away at Clinton’s lead, virtually assuring him and his fellow nut cases the White House and a lasting brotherhoo­d with Vladimir Putin. Enough already. The carnival clown needs to be shown for what he is — a fraud. Patrick O’Brien, San Juan Capistrano, Orange County

Complicit media

Where is the national outrage about GOP presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump’s blatantly false accusation that Hillary Clinton began the “birther conspiracy” questionin­g President Obama’s citizenshi­p?

And why isn’t the media pressing Trump to release his tax returns and full medical records, as his opponent has done? As national columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. astutely notes, there is no “fair and balanced” coverage of these two candidates.

They are being held to two completely different standards, with Clinton facing greater scrutiny and criticism on a daily basis. If this insult-hurling, prevaricat­ing megalomani­ac wins the White House, the media will have been complicit in helping him get elected. Luisa Westbrook, San Francisco

Foreign assistance

Do nothing Congress! Why is there no public discussion regarding the decision by President Obama and Congress to send billions of dollars to Israel? Joseph Hernandez, Santa Rosa

 ?? Nick Anderson / Houston Chronicle ??
Nick Anderson / Houston Chronicle

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