San Francisco Chronicle

Supreme Court opening term awaiting 9th justice


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is set to begin its new term as it ended the last one, down one justice and ideologica­lly deadlocked on a range of issues.

The absence of a ninth justice since Antonin Scalia’s death in February has hamstrung the court in several cases and forced the justices to look for less contentiou­s issues on which they are not as likely to divide by 4-4 votes.

It could be several months, at least, before the nation’s highest court is again operating at full strength.

“It’s a very interestin­g time at the court. That doesn’t necessaril­y translate into interestin­g cases. In fact, it may translate into the opposite,” said Paul Clement, the Bush administra­tion’s top Supreme Court lawyer and a frequent advocate in front of the court.

By law, the court convenes on the first Monday in October. But the key date this year is the second Tuesday in November, election day on Nov. 8. How the presidenti­al election turns out will go a long way toward determinin­g the judicial outlook of the ninth justice, the direction of the court and the outcome of several cases already being heard and others that probably will be at the court soon.

A victory by Republican Donald Trump means Scalia’s seat would almost certainly be filled with a like-minded conservati­ve. And if any of three justices in their late 70s or early 80s were to leave the court during a Trump presidency, conservati­ve control could be cemented for a generation.

A win by Democrat Hillary Clinton probably would result in the confirmati­on of Judge Merrick Garland, whose nomination by President Obama has been blocked by Senate Republican­s, or perhaps a more liberal choice. In either case, Democratic appointees would constitute a majority of the Supreme Court for the first time since the early months of the Nixon administra­tion in 1969.

More significan­tly, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would lead a liberal majority that no longer would be dependent on the support of a more conservati­ve justice. That fifth vote has typically come from Justice Anthony Kennedy and, less often, Chief Justice John Roberts.

Such a shift could affect the court in profound ways, perhaps causing Roberts to moderate his views on some issues to retain the power to shape decisions, said George Terwillige­r, a lawyer who has served in Republican administra­tions and worked with Roberts. The senior justice in the majority assigns the opinion-writer in a case.

Roberts “will be seeking in as many cases as possible perhaps a middle ground that takes him and perhaps one of his conservati­ve colleagues to a position where they may not want to be,” Terwillige­r said. “I think that’s John’s personalit­y.”

The court is starting off a term with eight justices for the first time in 25 years. Clarence Thomas was confirmed in October 1991, a couple of weeks after that term began.

The court’s calendar so far is lacking in the kinds of blockbuste­r cases seen in recent years dealing with health care, samesex marriage and abortion rights. It includes a church’s challenge to its exclusion from a Missouri state program to provide rubberized surfaces in playground­s, a dispute over whether disparagin­g names can receive trademark protection from the government, two redistrict­ing cases involving the rights of minority voters, and two appeals from Death Row inmates in Texas.

“The justices are showing obvious caution. They are not eager to resolve big-ticket questions with eight justices,” said Georgetown University law Professor Martin Lederman.

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