San Francisco Chronicle

It isn’t about money in politics

Hillary Clinton has promised that in her first 30 days as president she will propose a constituti­onal amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, which she characteri­zed as a “disaster for our democracy.” Because Clinton


The California Legislatur­e is ahead of Clinton. It has placed on the November ballot an advisory measure, Propositio­n 59, which instructs state officials to use “all their constituti­onal authority” to overturn the ruling.

It’s funny how Democrats talk as if Republican­s are rolling in dough, while Dems are stuck passing the hat. The opposite often is true, especially this year. As of Aug. 31, the Washington Post reported, pro-Clinton campaigns had raised almost twice as much money ($795 million) as pro-Trump concerns ($403 million). Bloomberg looked at super PAC money on Sept. 21 and reported that pro-Clinton super PACs raised $153 million, and spent $121 million, while pro-Trump super PACs raised a $16 million, and spent $12 million. The Dems outspent Repubs $121 million to $12 million. That’s 10-1. Where’s the outrage?

Bloomberg recently reported that Clinton campaigns are out-raising money from billionair­es on a margin of 20-1 against Trump. If Clinton wants to do something about the corrupting effect of big money in politics, all she has to do is talk to the mirror.

It’s a good thing money doesn’t buy popularity. At Monday night’s presidenti­al debate, Trump ribbed Hillarylan­d for spending buckets on advertisin­g designed to bury him. Quoth The Donald: “$200 million is spent, and I’m either winning or tied, and I’ve spent practicall­y nothing.”

That’s the dirty little secret about campaign spending — it cannot compensate for a bad candidate. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump won the GOP primary after spending half the amount that bankrolled the candidacy of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was a good candidate who outspent Trump, but he could not win his home state. Like it or not — I’m on the “not” side — Trump won the GOP primary because his message popped with GOP voters.

It’s laughable that Clinton is proposing a constituti­onal amendment to overturn Citizens United because whoever her Supreme Court picks are, they are bound to oppose Citizens United as Clinton has promised to have a litmus test for her Big Bench picks. There would be no need for a constituti­onal amendment.

The left gets all teary-eyed about the absolute authority in the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Obamacare. That ruling is sacrosanct. Citizens United, however, is easy prey — so easy that state lawmakers are invited to venture into deciding federal law.

“It’s become a code word for everything you dislike about politics,” Bradley Smith, former Federal Election Commission chair and now chairman of the Center for Competitiv­e Politics, told me. The public has come to think that a reversal of Citizens United will end the supersize role of money, especially corporate money, in politics. They forget that the 5-4 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy denied the government’s authority to censor a political documentar­y. The conservati­ve group Citizens United had produced an unflatteri­ng 90-minute film called, “Hillary: The Movie.” The FEC prohibited the film’s airing on pay-per-view stations to comply with the 2002 McCain-Feingold ban on “electionee­ring communicat­ions” funded by corporatio­ns or labor within 30 days of a presidenti­al primary.

If the Big Bench were to overturn Citizens United, Smith added, the court likely will make it “impossible to air a documentar­y movie close to the election” — whether the filmmaker is Citizens United or Michael Moore — but would not cleanse politics of corporate funds.

Jeffrey Toobin reported as much in the New Yorker. “‘People use Citizens United as shorthand for all the problems of money in politics, but in fact the decision itself had little to do with money in politics, and reversing it would do little or nothing to remove money in politics,’ ” Pamela Karlan, a professor at Stanford Law School who also worked in the Obama Justice Department told him.

Because of all the misinforma­tion, expect California­ns to approve Prop. 59. But the measure likely would fail if its effects were characteri­zed more accurately. Smith’s suggestion: “We should make (Prop. 59) an up-or-down vote on whether the government ought to be able to censor political documentar­ies.” Voter, beware. A truly apolitical ban wouldn’t apply to conservati­ves only.

Debra J. Saunders is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: dsaunders@ sfchronicl­ Twitter: @DebraJSaun­ders


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