San Francisco Chronicle

‘Previvors’ deserve place in Relay

- By Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: This is in response to “Conflicted in California” (March 20), whose co-worker walks the “survivors’ lap” in Relay for Life events. Her coworker is what we call a “previvor,” someone who took steps to lessen his or her chances of developing cancer. For other co-workers to belittle her for walking this lap is just plain mean. As a survivor, I have no problem with a previvor walking the lap.

Dianne in New Hampshire Dear Diane: You make reference to “previvors,” a term I was unfamiliar with. I found the following informatio­n on the site of Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE): “Cancer previvors are individual­s who are survivors of a predisposi­tion to cancer but haven’t had the disease. The group includes people who carry a hereditary mutation, family history or some other predisposi­ng factor. ... The term specifical­ly applies to the portion of our community that has its own unique needs and concerns separate from the general population, but different from those already diagnosed with cancer.”

Some letters I received were vehemently against “Conflicted’s” co-worker participat­ing in the survivors’ lap. Here are more reader comments:

Dear Abby: The co-worker walking the survivor lap is a fraud. I am a two-time cancer survivor currently going through a round of chemothera­py. I call foul! She had a genetic threat of cancer, but has not had it. She hasn’t heard those horrible words confirming her worst fears. She hasn’t felt the pain of a chemical cocktail shot into her veins, which can only be described as Drano mixed with napalm. She hasn’t watched her hair fall out or seen her skin charred from treatment. She chose elective surgery based on genetic markers. If she wants to participat­e in Relay for Life, there is a caregiver lap and other activities she can participat­e in to honor her aunt and mother. She may have gone through pain and grief, but she is no survivor.

Survivor in the South Dear Abby: It’s sad that this has become a case of whose cancer was worse and a judgment of who can or should walk the lap. Just let her walk. It doesn’t take away anything of value from anyone else. Relay for Life is an individual experience in a group environmen­t. I was once invited to walk the survivor lap and a “friend” came up and asked me point blank, “Why are you here? You only had thyroid cancer, not breast cancer!” I responded that I didn’t realize cancer was a contest, and I walked the lap.

Let It Be

Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

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