San Francisco Chronicle

Why Prop. O matters


Regarding “Prop. O: A Bayview plan” (Insight, Oct. 23): We would like to shed light on some confusion raised by a recent guest opinion piece. First, Propositio­n O was placed on the ballot by an initiative signed by more than 17,000 San Franciscan­s. That’s a fact. Second, the plan to revitalize Hunters Point Shipyard received the voters’ blessing in 2008 (almost a decade ago) by a 63 percent margin, and in 2010, the Board of Supervisor­s approved 12,500 homes with 32 percent affordable, 300 acres of parks and 5.1 million square feet of green office space.

That is also fact. Third, Prop. O prevents displaceme­nt. The Alice Griffith affordable housing project is being rebuilt with modern units for existing tenants along with thousands of other affordable homes. About 17,000 permanent jobs will be created with a local hire commitment. Finally, creating jobs, housing and parks on land after it has been thoroughly tested and certified safe will reignite our neglected community while honoring our historic roots as the economic engine of San Francisco. It’s time to make this happen! It’s time to bring social, environmen­tal and economic justice to Bayview-Hunters Point and all San Franciscan­s with new opportunit­ies for housing, jobs and parks. Vote yes on Propositio­n O. Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt, chair, Hunters Point Shipyard Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Sophie Maxwell, former supervisor, and Shamann Walton, vice-president, S.F. Board of Education

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