San Francisco Chronicle


From Around the World


Sinai attack: The Islamic State’s Egyptian affiliate on Tuesday claimed an attack on a security checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula the day before that killed at least eight people. The group, which has carried out scores of attacks mainly targeting Egyptian security forces since the 2013 military overthrow of an elected Islamist president, posted the claim on a militant website. The government says there are around 25,000 Egyptian troops operating in Sinai, which has seen more than a decade of militant violence.

Impeachmen­t trial: Disgraced South Korean President Park Geunhye’s longtime friend at the center of a massive corruption scandal refused to testify at Park’s impeachmen­t trial on Tuesday, with lawmakers alleging that it was a stalling tactic. The Constituti­onal Court had expected to hear from Choi Soon-sil, a confidante of Park who’s jailed and on trial herself for allegedly using her connection­s with the president to extort money and favors from companies and unlawfully interfere with government affairs. But Choi submitted documents to the court saying she was unable to testify.

Norway mass murderer: Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik made a Nazi salute as he walked into a courtroom at a high-security prison where judges on Tuesday began reviewing a ruling that his solitary confinemen­t is inhumane. The 37-yearold right-wing extremist, who killed 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage in 2011, sued the government last year. He argued that his solitary confinemen­t, frequent strip searches and the fact that he was often handcuffed during the early part of his incarcerat­ion violated his human rights. The government has rejected his complaints, saying that he is treated humanely despite the severity of his crimes and that he must be separated from other inmates for safety reasons.

Mexico won’t pay: Mexico’s new foreign relations secretary says the country isn’t just willing to negotiate changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement, it wants negotiatio­ns as soon as possible. Luis Videgaray says there’s “enormous uncertaint­y” following the U.S. election of Donald Trump as president. Trump has pressured companies not to move jobs to Mexico, warned he would tax those who do and vows to renegotiat­e NAFTA. Videgaray said Tuesday that Trump’s actions have caused concern, adding “that is why this (negotiatio­n) process is so important, to dispel this uncertaint­y.” He said talks should start “as soon as possible.” He said Mexico is willing to negotiate over Trump’s plan to build a border wall. But Videgaray said Mexico won’t pay for the wall, calling that “unacceptab­le.” Presidenti­al plagiarism: Ghana’s new president is facing criticism after passages in his inaugurati­on speech appeared to be lifted from speeches given by American leaders, an embarrassm­ent for a country that long has been praised as one of Africa’s strongest democracie­s. President Nana Akufo-Addo took the oath of office Saturday after he won election on his third bid for the presidency. One line in his speech is nearly identical to a phrase used by former President Bill Clinton in his 1993 inaugural address. Another phrase in Akufo-Addo’s speech is almost the same as one in the inaugural speech given by former President George W. Bush in 2001. The Ghanaian presidency refused to comment Tuesday on the similariti­es that went viral on social media after the inaugurati­on.

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