San Francisco Chronicle

Will Trump’s Twitter fixation repel allies?

- Jonah Goldberg is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a senior editor of National Review. Email: goldbergco­ Twitter: @JonahNRO

The political class is still coming to grips with what appears to be Donald Trump’s novel management philosophy: government by Twitter. Put aside the by-now-familiar weirdness of our presidente­lect’s gloating over Arnold Schwarzene­gger’s poor “Celebrity Apprentice” ratings or swipes at Meryl Streep. Trump’s Twitter addiction poses heretofore unnoticed challenges for his administra­tion.

The president-elect often emphasizes the value of being “unpredicta­ble.” And he has a point — in certain contexts. Keeping our enemies guessing has advantages. Defenders of Trump’s habit of jabbing corporatio­ns about their offshoring decisions will tell you that Trump is “setting the tone from the top.” Because such decisions are often made with a narrow and subjective costbenefi­t calculus, the argument goes, using tweets to encourage executives to err on the side of “America first” is a valuable way to change the business culture.

Whether or not you like Trump’s economic reasoning, you can see why he likes keeping CEOs afraid of the crack of his Twitter whip.

But what about his own appointees and allies in Congress? When I’ve talked to veterans of the Ronald Reagan administra­tion, particular­ly from the speech-writing or policy shops, I’ve often heard a common observatio­n. Knowing what the boss believed was both empowering and efficient. If you know a policy or a line in a speech will never fly with the president, you won’t bother pursuing it.

Peter Robinson, the acclaimed speechwrit­er, has written at length about how knowing Reagan’s vision made his job easier. Robinson could write “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” because he knew it was what Reagan wanted to have happen.

The vast literature on leadership and management hammers away on this point: Provide a vision and then let the troops do the hard work. Jack Welch, the legendary former CEO of General Electric, put it this way: “In order to lead a country or a company, you’ve got to get everybody on the same page and you’ve got to be able to have a vision of where you’re going.” British Field Marshal Bernard “Monty” Montgomery said that his definition of leadership is: “the capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character which inspires confidence.”

Except for trade policy, there are few areas where Trump’s troops have a clear idea of exactly what the boss wants, and his compulsive tweeting adds a layer of unpredicta­bility. I’ve talked to a half-dozen committed and principled conservati­ves considerin­g jobs in the administra­tion, and I heard one recurring concern: “Will Trump have my back?”

The point isn’t about personal loyalty, but resolve in the face of the inevitable political and media backlashes that will come with any serious reform effort.

Consider two recent incidents:

The House GOP caucus vote to sharply curb the power of the Office of Congressio­nal Ethics. There’s bipartisan consensus that the office is a hot mess. When the predictabl­e firestorm hit, Trump hied to Twitter to mock the effort as a distractio­n, earning a nanosecond of favorable coverage by killing the initiative.

The effort to repeal Obamacare. Trump issued a series of Twitter fatwas last week, saying that Congress shouldn’t do anything that lets Democrats off the hook for the problems of the Affordable Care Act. Politicall­y, I think Trump is right to be concerned about the perils of repealing Obamacare without having a replacemen­t ready. But his glib response elicits fear among some conservati­ves that he won’t stand fast on repealing Obamacare, or much else.

There are countless areas — entitlemen­ts, civil rights, immigratio­n, etc. — where serious conservati­ve reforms will spark controvers­y, horrible headlines and negative coverage on “the shows” the president-elect watches obsessivel­y. Will Trump impetuousl­y use Twitter to triangulat­e against his own troops?

Right now, Trump’s defenders wave off such concerns, saying he’s using Twitter to communicat­e a clear vision to his team and the whole country. To me, that seems like a generous reading between the lines — or between tweets about Meryl Streep.

 ?? Evan Vucci / Associated Press 2016 ?? Donald Trump’s celebrated unpredicta­bility, often manifested 140 characters at a time, keeps allies and enemies guessing.
Evan Vucci / Associated Press 2016 Donald Trump’s celebrated unpredicta­bility, often manifested 140 characters at a time, keeps allies and enemies guessing.

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