San Francisco Chronicle

Trump’s plan to intimidate the media


Regarding “Media law’s ultimate test” ( John Diaz, Insight, Jan. 8): Journalist­s ought to be quite concerned about their freedoms and protection­s under the incoming Donald Trump administra­tion. During his presidenti­al campaign, Donald Trump publicly mocked a disabled New York Times reporter and blackliste­d the Washington Post, and his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowsk­i, shoved a reporter at a political rally.

Perhaps Trump, already known for his book “The Art of the Deal,” will publish his playbook to control the U.S. press called “Winning Through Intimidati­on.”

Carolyn Crawford, San Francisco

Connect the airports

Regarding the second BART tube: It would be a good idea if the eastern terminal was the Oakland airport. Having a quicker connection between the two airports and locations between could assist the airports for alternate landing during inclement weather or emergencie­s.

Nick Zachetti, San Francisco

Ousted artist irony

Regarding “Revered in Berkeley, but still priced out” (Jan. 7): Sam Whiting’s profile of acclaimed artist Mildred Howard’s housing difficulti­es parallels Trisha Thadani’s “Artists losing spaces in wake of Oakland fire” ( Jan. 7) front page coverage of the loss of artist spaces in the wake of the Ghost Ship tragedy.

The sad irony of Mildred Howard not being able to live and work in the city that proclaimed Mildred Howard Day is not lost on any artist. The ousting of artists from their spaces represent a cultural loss to our area in ways difficult to measure, having to do with creative expression, artistic freedom and artists’ contributi­ons to help balance our commercial, materialis­tic and mass-produced culture.

Our country could support arts as part of the social service structure, as do other industrial­ized nations, where health care and education are provided for everyone. Good luck to Howard, and thank you for your vision in making wonderful art.

Lorraine Lerman, Berkeley

Putin’s violent history

Regarding “U.S. must make peace with Russia” (Letters, Jan. 8): The writer who suggested we should become friends with Russia is difficult to comprehend. How do you become friends with a country whose president, Vladimir Putin, has committed horrendous crimes of humanity not only in Russia, but Chechnya and Aleppo? In 1999, Putin is accused of setting off the orchestrat­ing bombings of Russian apartment buildings to arouse terror where he consolidat­ed power to then launch a horrific war of occupation in Chechnya.

Those who tried to investigat­e this incident have been killed. An investigat­ion by the Dutch Safety Board found that the Malaysia Airlines plane that crashed was hit by a Russian-made Buk missile over eastern Ukraine killing 283 passengers, including 80 children and 15 crew members on board. Now we come to Syria, where Russian aircraft hit civilians with incendiary bombs and cluster munitions.

Thousands of people, including children, are still trapped in eastern Aleppo, and they felt the full brunt of the Russian-supported offensive, which knocked out a hospital. Russian bombs destroyed homes, bomb shelters while crippling, maiming and killing dozens, if not hundreds of civilians. How do you make friends with someone like that?

Geri Spieler, Palo Alto

On your own health care

The Republican­s are having trouble with the “replace” part of their promise to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. One of their solutions, health savings accounts, is not insurance and benefits those who already have money to set aside for health insurance. If you have medical expenses that exceed your savings, you’re on your own in the GOP’s Darwinian world.

Bill Collins, Pacifica

The hypocritic­al GOP

The CIA and the FBI have concluded that President Vladimir Putin intervened in our presidenti­al election. His motivation is no secret. The U.S. opposed his annexation of the Crimea, his attempt to seize eastern Ukraine by force and his armed interventi­on to save his ally, the mass murderer President Bashar Assad, in Syria. Power politics as usual. What’s unusual is Donald Trump’s public plea to Putin to intervene in the election.

No presidenti­al candidate in U.S. history has ever gone down this path. If a Republican had been president and had the same policy toward Russia as President Obama’s, and had a Democrat candidate emulated Trump, the Republican­s would be crying “treason” — with some justice. Their hypocrisy never fails to amaze me.

Richard Covert, San Francisco

 ?? Travis Dove / New York Times 2015 ?? Corey Lewandowsk­i, Donald Trump’s then-campaign manager, after a 2015 rally in Spartanbur­g, S.C., in which he reportedly shoved a reporter.
Travis Dove / New York Times 2015 Corey Lewandowsk­i, Donald Trump’s then-campaign manager, after a 2015 rally in Spartanbur­g, S.C., in which he reportedly shoved a reporter.

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