San Francisco Chronicle

The president’s support for skeptic is dangerous

- By Judith Grether and Wendy Bloom

Vaccinatio­n is by far the most successful public-health program ever conducted in the United States. This program may be endangered, however, by President Trump and some members of Congress under the influence of critics who push pseudo-scientific skepticism about the effectiven­ess and safety of vaccinatio­n. The new president has met with vaccine doubter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about establishi­ng a panel to investigat­e the already scientific­ally disproved claims that vaccines cause neurologic­al disorders, including autism.

This kind of doubt is dangerous. The false fears stoked by the vaccinatio­n critics influence many families to reject vaccinatio­n. That refusal to vaccinate accounts for a rising incidence of diseases that strike children disproport­ionately and that may be severely injuring or even fatal.

Here in California, for example, there were more cases of whooping cough reported in 2014 than in any year since 1947. In December 2014, an outbreak of measles at Disneyland in Southern California spread across the state and nation. These outbreaks of disease occurred primarily in California counties where vaccinatio­n rates had fallen below the herd immunity level (the level of inoculatio­n required to protect a population against a disease).

Some of the vaccinatio­n critics, including Kennedy, say that they are not against vaccinatio­n but want only to ensure its safety. Safety, however, is already well establishe­d scientific­ally. A strong, evidence-based consensus exists among scientists and public-health experts that vaccinatio­n is an effective and safe instrument of disease prevention.

Vaccinatio­n has prevented a great deal of human suffering and saved millions of lives. Vaccinatio­n protects children and adults alike from previously devastatin­g diseases such as measles, polio, smallpox, whooping cough and cervical cancer.

The claim that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine may cause autism was made in 1998 by Andrew Wakefield, whose research was later proved to be fraudulent and who lost his medical license because of it. Since then, numerous rigorous scientific studies designed to investigat­e any link between this vaccine and autism have failed to detect one. There is no evidence that the minute amount of mercury preservati­ve (thimerosal) in vials containing multiple doses of flu vaccine causes any harm, except in very rare medical conditions that currently exempt individual­s from vaccinatio­n.

We applaud the state of California for passing legislatio­n in 2015 that eliminated the personal belief exemption that allowed unvaccinat­ed children to attend school, where they endangered the health of others, especially children who for medical reasons cannot be immunized. California’s strengthen­ing of vaccinatio­n standards was achieved by a coalition of parents and health care activists who met with legislator­s, talked with their neighbors, wrote letters to newspapers, and posted scientific­ally accurate informatio­n about vaccinatio­n on Facebook and other social media.

We’ll need to amplify such efforts and join with likeminded advocates in other states to protect immunizati­on programs from the vaccinatio­n critics and their new allies in Washington.

Judith Grether is a retired epidemiolo­gist from the California Department of Public Health. Wendy Bloom is an R.N. in pediatric oncology at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland. They are joined in this commentary by six additional members of the East Bay Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club.

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