San Francisco Chronicle

Focus on the economy


Regarding “Use economics, not insults, to argue for immigratio­n” (Insight, March 19): While I agree with Dan Schnur that the discussion of pros and cons of immigratio­n should hinge on economics rather than on insults, we often see economic points interprete­d as insults. That aside, no matter that mechanizat­ion and off-shoring have reduced opportunit­ies for our less-skilled workers, continuing to import more of the same inevitably reduces opportunit­ies for our workers and depresses their wages. The economy as a whole gets larger, but the very modest gains go very disproport­ionately to the top fifth of the population.

Raymond White, Mountain View

Ineffectiv­e bill

Regarding “Trump seeking support for health bill”: If President Trump wants to speak about the disaster that was the Affordable Care Act, he should take a good look at his health care bill. The American Health Care Act (AHCA) is essentiall­y the ACA, except with key provisions missing. The AHCA acts as a $600 billion tax cut, almost entirely benefiting the wealthy. Its subsidies are inadequate in helping most Americans combat expensive costs of health care. The one-year 30 percent premium-surcharge penalty, the replacemen­t for the individual mandate, disproport­ionately affects those with pre-existing conditions, low incomes, and unstable employment. Furthermor­e, the AHCA doesn’t encourage young, healthy consumers to buy health insurance, which is vital in balancing risk pools and lowering premiums.

Overall, the AHCA is a dismal replacemen­t for the ACA and works to actively uninsure millions of Americans. It will undermine and destabiliz­e all the progress the ACA has achieved; namely, lowering the rate of uninsured to a historic low of 8.6 percent. Instead of battling across party lines, leaders should work together to protect and serve the American people. Agree that health care is a right and work on fixing what we have now instead of wasting time and resources on ineffectiv­e bills.

Mary Unanyan, Berkeley

Accept the loss

Regarding the so-called “Russian interferen­ce” in the presidenti­al election, it leaves me wondering, just what did the Russians do to help President Trump get elected? Did they somehow change the votes electronic­ally, or by some other method? Just how were they able to influence the millions of Americans who voted for Trump? Brainwashi­ng on a national scale? Democrats might do well to remove their tinfoil hats and accept reality. Hillary Clinton was not only a flawed candidate with more than her share of political baggage, she ran a poor campaign, and was outsmarted at every turn by a political novice. Liberals need to stop acting like spoiled children, and accept the fact that they lost, fair and square, before they can move forward.

Raymond Moreno, San Francisco

Set better example

Regarding “Apple in the red” (Daily Briefing, March 22). It’s disappoint­ing and yet not surprising to learn that Apple pays no corporate taxes in New Zealand. After all, Apple didn’t become the corporatio­n with the largest valuation in our country without outsourcin­g labor and finding tax loopholes. However, as a world brand that originated in the U.S., it would be heartening to see Apple setting an example by practicing better corporate citizenshi­p.

Takeshi Hashimoto, San Jose

Climate research

Regarding “Making America dirty again” (March 20): Many thanks to David Lewis for pointing out the dangers of cutting the budget of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency. Equally or perhaps more frightenin­g were EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt’s remarks about his doubts concerning human influence on the climate. Scientists who study the climate have no doubts about this and recently we see that the consequenc­es of climate change are occurring sooner and with more severity than they had predicted.

If Pruitt truly doubts that

No longer credible

Regarding “10 years later, Bonds back with S.F.” (March 22): I am saddened to learn that Barry Bonds will join the Giants. Bonds’ lack of credibilit­y and the substantia­l circumstan­tial evidence have convinced me and others that Bonds knowingly took performanc­e enhancing drugs (PED), and thus his reputation and legacy are forever tarnished and now forever tarnishes the Giants. Before joining the Giants, I would have expected human action is driving climate change, he should be funding more climate research rather than less. To be wrong on this issue is to condemn both America and the planet to costs and suffering that could be reduced by timely climate action. The conservati­ve Climate Leadership Council recently proposed a fully refunded carbon tax that would go a long way toward reducing U.S. emissions while building the economy and protecting citizens from the rising cost of fossil fuels.

Lee Ballance, Berkeley

Wall of cruelty

Regarding “Against the wall” (Editorial, March 22): The Chronicle correctly notes that President Trump has budgeted $600 million for the bidding process — just the bidding process, mind you for, as he has described it, his “big, fat, beautiful wall” on our Mexican border. But where will Trump find the funding needed for that process?

Assuredly not in Mexico, although he repeatedly promised to do just that. No, he’s instead planning to “zero-out” such critical cultural institutio­ns as the National Endowment for the Humanities, which had a 2016 budget of $148 million, and the National Endowment for the Arts, also $148 million. Destroying those proven job-creating, budget-multiplyin­g programs won’t get him even halfway to the $600 million needed to attract bids for his useless, divisive, $20 billion “great, great wall on our southern border.”

Rik Myslewski, San Francisco team officials to require Bonds to finally come clean about his knowing use of PED. But I guess it doesn’t matter to the Giants. In this age of widescale cheating and lying by our president, other public officials, researcher­s, school officials, students, etc., Bonds’ use of PED appears irrelevant to a lot of people, including the Giants’ ownership. I guess the argument that baseball is just entertainm­ent and everyone was doing it rules the day. It matters to me.

Ralph Stone, San Francisco

 ?? Deanne Fitzmauric­e / The Chronicle 2007 ?? Barry Bonds gets ready to play his final game at AT&T Park with the Giants in September 2007.
Deanne Fitzmauric­e / The Chronicle 2007 Barry Bonds gets ready to play his final game at AT&T Park with the Giants in September 2007.

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