San Francisco Chronicle

Police probe ‘racially offensive’ photos


Police are investigat­ing possible cyberbully­ing at Albany High School after what officials called a “small number” of students allegedly posted “deeply hurtful and racially offensive” photos of African American girls on Instagram.

“Racially offensive and hurtful behavior are not welcome in Albany, and won’t be tolerated in our schools,” Valerie Williams, superinten­dent of the Albany Unified School District, said Wednesday.

Several students brought the photos to the attention of school Principal Jeff Anderson on Monday, Williams said. The Instagram account where they were posted has since been deleted, and neither Albany police nor the district would elaborate on what the photos showed or on the nature of the accompanyi­ng comments.

Late Tuesday, the superinten­dent sent an email to parents in the school district alerting them to the alleged cyberbully­ing. She said district officials and Albany police were investigat­ing.

Police Lt. Daniel Adams confirmed his department’s probe but offered no further comment.

Williams praised the students who went to the principal, and said the high school was “providing whatever support services our (affected)

students need.”

“I’m shocked and heartsick that something like this could happen in our community,” said

Vivian Jaquette, whose son attends Albany High. “I know the majority of our community are not racist.”

According to district records, less than 5 percent of Albany High’s 1,231 students are African Americans. Whites and Asian Americans each make up more than 30 percent of the student population, and Latinos about 17 percent.

Williams said she is unaware of any other racially charged incidents during her three years as district superinten­dent.

“What I am concerned about is that we maintain a safe campus environmen­t,” Williams said. “This has got my full attention, and we are taking this extremely seriously.”

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