San Francisco Chronicle

Her ‘friend with benefits’ turns out not to have much upside

- By Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I have known this guy “Noah” for six years. We’re mostly just friends with benefits, but I’ve always had deeper feelings for him. I always wanted to see where things could go between us, so I mentioned it to him. He told me that if he didn’t already have a girlfriend, he would have dated me. So when they broke up, I waited patiently. I continued being a good friend to Noah, giving him advice and putting my own feelings off to the side. Then just when I felt us getting to another level in our relationsh­ip, he told me he had another girlfriend and we needed to stop. I would never sleep with a guy who is with someone else. I’m not that type of girl. What should I do? I’m confused and hurt at the same time. Should I bring up my feelings again? Just let him go? Or should I keep him in my life, but in a friend-only way?

Jumbled Emotions

Dear Jumbled: I don’t blame you for feeling confused. When someone’s words and actions don’t match, something is wrong. If Noah had been honest, you would have had your chance with him. I vote for letting him go because you want more than he’s apparently able to give. If you do, it may hurt for a while, but it will make it easier for you to find someone who can love you back. Dear Abby: We recently lost one of our cherished pets, our oldest cat, Mandy. We never had children, so our pets are our children. I get that people who have never had pets don’t understand the joy and unconditio­nal love they can bring. But I don’t understand why people we thought were close to us haven’t acknowledg­ed our loss in any way. Some of them have — or had — pets at one time. A few did send cards or emails, and they were so appreciate­d. Their kindness will never be forgotten. Mandy wasn’t sickly. She just stopped eating one day. When we took her to the vet a few days after trying everything we could think of, the diagnosis was kidney cancer. A couple of days later we had to make the heartbreak­ing decision to put her to sleep.

My question is, am I expecting too much of people? After all, you wouldn’t ignore the death of a human child. I’m not only disappoint­ed but resentful that these so-called friends and family don’t seem to care. I suppose to some Mandy was “just a cat.” But to us, she was our beloved furry child and we are devastated. Please inform people that a kind word or short note would mean the world to people like us who are suffering real grief. Deeply Grieving in Illinois

Dear Deeply Grieving: Please let me offer my condolence­s for the loss of Mandy. I know from personal experience what you are going through, and it is very painful. That’s why I’m reminding readers that when they hear of someone losing a beloved pet, the kindest thing one can do is to offer sympathy with a phone call, an email or a card. Believe me, the effort will be appreciate­d and never forgotten.

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