San Francisco Chronicle

Deep thoughts, cheap shots & bon mots ...


The Raiders’ move is already bringing out the best in Nevada. A brothel owner announced plans to open a Raiders-themed house o’ fun about 100 miles from Vegas, staffed by women dressed as cheerleade­rs. Tell me that news doesn’t make Jack Del Rio and Derek Carr a bit queasy.

At the Raiders-themed brothel, players will get a 50 percent discount. Look, if you’re a Las Vegas Raider and you have to drive 90 miles to find female companions­hip, and pay for it, you’re not really playing your hand well.

“We’re just in a bad spot,” LeBron James said. His comment was tweeted. Stephen Curry “liked” it. Does that mean Curry is sympathizi­ng with James — or trolling him?

If you’re an actual troll under a bridge and you troll somebody, are you being a sarcastic hater, or are you doing the job you were born to do?

Matt Barnes is turning out to be an effective bridge guy to help the Warriors weather Kevin Durant’s injury. General manager Bob Myers and head coach Steve Kerr gambled that Barnes would be on his best behavior if given a chance to play with this group to win a ring. Recent game, Barnes collided with an opponent, smiled and pulled the guy to his feet. Whatever happened to the Sultan of Sneer?

In recent comments, Chip Kelly has been strong in his support for Colin Kaepernick — as a player, leader and teammate. And this is a coach who supposedly doesn’t connect with his players. Is Kelly that out of touch with NFL reality, or is Kaepernick jobless because of his baggage?

If coach Barry Bonds can cut Jarrett Parker’s strikeouts by 50 percent, Larry Baer will put a rush order on that bronze statue of Barry.

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