San Francisco Chronicle

Oakland’s high-risk choice

To protect residents from eviction, city rarely shuts troubled buildings

- By Kimberly Veklerov

Under pressure to protect vulnerable residents after the Ghost Ship warehouse fire, Oakland officials largely abstained from deploying their most potent tool against problem properties: the red tag.

In the three months after the inferno killed 36 people in an illegally converted building — the deadliest California fire in more than a century — inspectors slapped the crimson do-not-enter notice on just four Oakland properties, according to city records obtained by The Chronicle.

The reasons? Two neighborin­g homes were damaged by falling tree limbs during a storm. Another was gutted by a fire. And the fourth was a suspected gambling parlor, boarded up after a law enforcemen­t raid turned up drugs, guns, stolen cars and illegal slot machines, on top of unsafe wiring and a sewage spill.

The city’s reluctance to clear residents out of dangerous buildings arose again last week after a huge fire swept through an occupied threestory halfway house on San Pablo Avenue in West Oakland. Four people died, and more than 80 were displaced.

Emails released by the city Friday showed that firefighte­rs had urged their command staff to shut down the build-

ing as early as January because of life-threatenin­g conditions. Instead, Fire Department managers cited the building for deficienci­es, allowing the residents to remain.

City and fire officials say Oakland is replete with old and poorly maintained properties that could pose dangers to their occupants. Mayor Libby Schaaf ’s office identified 18 unsanction­ed live-work buildings throughout the city in the aftermath of the Dec. 2 warehouse fire. The list was based on complaints or public safety calls, and many others could exist.

Building inspectors, fire marshals and code-enforcemen­t officers red-tag properties that pose imminent threats to occupants, typically after fires, flooding or earthquake­s. But they can also red-tag buildings for a range of dangerous conditions, from overloaded electrical systems to haphazard constructi­on projects. In less severe cases, officials can post a yellow tag, which means that people are allowed to enter briefly, usually to collect their belongings, but shouldn’t stay long.

“The bottom-line measure is a determinat­ion that the building needs to be evacuated because it presents an imminent hazard to life and safety,” Claudia Cappio, the assistant city administra­tor who oversees the Building and Planning Department, said of Oakland’s threshold for red-tagging. “If you do not leave, your life will be threatened. That’s a pretty tall order.

“We don’t do it lightly,” she added. “The standard has to be met . ... It’s a complete disruption to people’s lives.”

In the case of the halfway house, firefighte­rs called for a shutdown of the building after finding problems with the sprinkler system, a lack of fire extinguish­ers, debris piled up in front of electrical meters, a padlocked fire escape and faulty smoke detectors, among other problems. Maria Sabatini, the acting assistant fire marshal, gave the property owner 30 days to correct the problems. Three days before the fire, caused by an unattended candle, she gave the property owner a list of deficienci­es he needed to correct.

Schaaf initially defended the Fire Department’s decision to issue only a citation to the property owner. But after the emails revealed that firefighte­rs wanted the place shut down, she said that her earlier comments were based “on informatio­n I received from profession­als . ... But I am not a fire inspector.”

Although inspectors base most of their decisions on the California Building Code and

local ordinances, they have plenty of latitude to consider other factors, such as whether residents will be left homeless and the environmen­t surroundin­g a property.

“There’s no book that exists that says if you have five electrical issues, for instance, then you must red-tag a building,” said Larry Breceda, president of the California Associatio­n of Code Enforcemen­t Officers and the public safety manager of Duarte (Los Angeles County). “Sometimes you have to make calls on the fly . ... The codes are written in a way so that you have that discretion.”

That means enforcemen­t sometimes differs city to city, and politics can come into play. Richmond, Santa Ana, Denver and other cities immediatel­y red-tagged makeshift artist spaces in the weeks after the Ghost Ship fire.

But in Oakland, Schaaf has pledged to help the warehouse artist community and keep people in their homes while trying to ensure those spaces are safe.

Instead of displacing residents, the Oakland mayor has directed city authoritie­s to work with property owners to bring the buildings up to code. Schaaf said soon after the Ghost Ship fire that she would not let “our emotions lead to hasty decisions or witch hunts.” Records show she followed through on that promise, but at a cost.

The city documents indicate that building inspectors and code-enforcemen­t officers were no more inclined to red-tag properties after the Ghost Ship fire than they were in the past. Comparing the three months after the blaze to the same time period one year earlier, little had changed.

From December 2015 to the start of March 2016, seven Oakland buildings were redtagged — three more than in the most recent interval. All but one were the result of fires. The exception was a single-family home whose foundation and cripple wall failed.

The mayor’s insistence on not displacing residents raises questions about whether political considerat­ions have affected the pace and will of the city to inspect and condemn dangerous properties.

Firefighte­rs appeared to be frustrated with the protracted response of Fire Department management to the West Oakland property in the weeks before the fire. As she released the emails, Schaaf announced Friday that she would hire more inspectors and accelerate the reviews of problem properties.

Bill Strawn, spokesman for San Francisco’s Department of Building Inspection, said of the West Oakland fire, “The “By our actions or our lack of actions, protecting our residents doesn’t seem to be at the top of our list.” Noel Gallo, Oakland city councilman habitabili­ty situation sounded like they couldn’t maintain the building. I suspect that our code-enforcemen­t process has been a little more rigorous than Oakland’s.” But he and officials in other California cities added that red-tagging should be a last-resort tool, and that building inspectors should lean on landlords to make sure properties don’t get to that level of danger.

Councilman Noel Gallo, who represents a swath of East Oakland where the Ghost Ship warehouse is located, said the city needs to ramp up its enforcemen­t and hold landlords accountabl­e for fixing unsafe living conditions.

“Either the safety of our residents is a priority, or it’s not,” Gallo said. “Right now, by our actions or our lack of actions, protecting our residents doesn’t seem to be at the top of our list.”

Gallo said Oakland officials shouldn’t be afraid of temporaril­y displacing residents while repairs are made to their homes.

“I think what has happened in Oakland is we don’t enforce the rules from the street level to the buildings, and property owners take advantage of us,” Gallo said. “They clearly know what the rules are, what the requiremen­ts are to maintain safety and health. So there’s no excuse around it.”

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 ?? Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle ?? Municipal code-enforcemen­t officers post red tags to ban entry to properties that pose imminent threats to occupants.
Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle Municipal code-enforcemen­t officers post red tags to ban entry to properties that pose imminent threats to occupants.
 ?? Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle ?? A man walks past a storefront on Bancroft Avenue in Oakland that was red-tagged after a police raid. The city used the do-notenter tool only four times in the three months after the Ghost Ship warehouse fire, which killed dozens of people in December.
Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle A man walks past a storefront on Bancroft Avenue in Oakland that was red-tagged after a police raid. The city used the do-notenter tool only four times in the three months after the Ghost Ship warehouse fire, which killed dozens of people in December.

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