San Francisco Chronicle

Muni trains leave riders in the lurch

Passengers fume as they’re forced to get off before end of the line

- By Lizzie Johnson

To some Muni Metro riders, there’s nothing worse than hitting the end of the line before the end of the line — that’s called a “switchback,” when the train is turned around to patch service holes behind it — leaving those riders waiting on the sidewalk for another train.

And since 2013, switchback­s have more than doubled on every Metro line of the San Francisco railway.

Last year, Muni ordered 5,345 switchback­s, up 57 percent since 2013 when 3,403 occurred, according to a Chronicle analysis of Muni data. The unexpected drop-offs increased on every line, with the biggest jumps on the J-Church (104 percent), M-Oceanview (100 percent), N-Judah — the line with the most overall switchback­s (48 percent) — and KT-Ingleside/Third Street (43 percent). The S-Castro shuttle, which had the fewest switchback­s overall, increased from one in 2013 to four in 2016.

Paul Rose, a spokesman for the Municipal Transporta­tion Agency, said the increase is because of an uptick in the number of large public demonstrat­ions and problems caused by aging infrastruc­ture, like track switches, rails and signals. Also, during the past six months, 20 days

had more than 40 switchback­s because of increased ridership, he said.

Muni uses switchback­s when the vehicles become bottleneck­ed in the system, creating a logjam where trains follow one another too closely. Switchback­s occur most frequently on outbound trains. Muni officials say it improves transit times.

But the switchback­s vex voters who passed a $500 million bond in 2014 to improve the transit system. It was sponsored by Supervisor Katy Tang, whose district includes the Sunset. More than two years later, Muni has spent only about $14 million of the money, according to an agency official, and switchback­s on several lines have doubled. Tang’s office has been fielding complaints from residents whose property taxes went up to finance the bond.

MTA Director Ed Reiskin said the delays in spending the bond money come from overly optimistic project deadlines that have since been pushed back.

“There’s no question we have challenges, especially with the suite of projects we had teed up with these dollars,” he said. “I’m not happy with the pace of spending on this bond or any of our other revenues. Everything we are doing is trying to shorten that time.”

In 2013, 24 percent of switchback­s happened during peak travel times, from 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. In 2016, that jumped to 31 percent.

“When we do order a switchback, our policy is to only do one if there is a train five minutes behind, and we do ask that operators make announceme­nts,” Rose said. “It is something we have been trying to get better at over the years. We are going to continue doing work on improving switchback­s.”

Commuters, who often cannot hear announceme­nts crackling over the train’s speaker systems, say the switchback­s shouldn’t happen at all. Only 22 percent of them were satisfied with Muni’s overall communicat­ion, a 2017 agency survey showed. About 25 percent said they were satisfied with the agency’s overall service reliabilit­y.

Sometimes Sarah Stromska thinks it would be easier to just sleep at the office. The 35-yearold shuttles from her home near Ocean Beach to her job at a startup software company near AT&T Park. But riding the N-Judah streetcar has become a long, slogging ordeal. Muni routinely orders switchback­s, dumping Stromska and a fleet of other commuters off with no warning, stranding them until the next train arrives.

“On a good day, it takes an hour to get home by taking Muni,” Stromska said, sighing. “But then a switchback happens, unbeknowns­t to me until we get a block away. It’s death by a thousand paper cuts; it’s an annoyance that accumulate­s over time. It already takes so long to go such a short distance.”

City Hall officials are flummoxed as to what to do. The $500 million bond that passed in 2014 — the Transporta­tion and Road Improvemen­t General Obligation Bond, the first bond for Muni since 1947 — was hailed as a measure that would improve Muni. In a 2014 presentati­on, Muni promised to make service “less crowded and more reliable and improve safety for everyone getting around . ... The benefits of the bond will be felt in every San Francisco neighborho­od.”

At a Board of Supervisor­s Government Audit and Oversight Committee meeting this month, Board President London Breed maligned the MTA for failing to spend the money in a timely fashion.

“I am concerned that the MTA is misusing our trust,” she said. “With every passing day, we are paying interest on the bonds that we have sold but are not using. With each passing day, the value of this money goes down while the cost of constructi­on goes up, meaning the MTA can’t deliver the same quality or quantity of improvemen­ts that the bond money could originally have had.”

While many of those projects would not impact switchback­s directly, it would improve overall reliabilit­y within the system and how quickly commuters are able to get around. That could prevent overcrowdi­ng on Muni’s most popular lines.

Of the bond money, $191 million is supposed to go to Muni Forward, which will improve service on Muni’s highest ridership lines — the ones most commonly affected by switchback­s. The L-Taraval Transit Improvemen­t project, a $2 million package that would fix tracks, trolley wires and poles along the line, is still under constructi­on.

The N-Judah Transit Priority project, stretching from Arguello to Ninth Avenue, would build transit priority lanes along the busiest corridor. The $3.2 million project is still in the design phase, and completion has been pushed back to next year.

In 2013, Tang worked with the MTA to create a switchback action plan with new rules about who could authorize switchback­s, when they could occur and how they must be logged. But she remains frustrated by how little progress has been made.

“I think that the bond funding and the capital improvemen­ts have everything to do with reliabilit­y,” Tang said. “MTA’s response on the switchback­s in general is that this is part of our system, that we need to do this,” she said. “I’m saying it is unacceptab­le because our residents feel abandoned by Muni. They deserve to be able to get on a train from start to finish and end up where they’re going.”

Muni rider Mickey Lim, 53, who commutes to the Castro from his home at 45th Avenue and Quintara Street, shares that feeling.

“My feeling is that they need to have some human decency and give us the opportunit­y to get off the train at the last station, rather than leaving us on a street corner,” Lim said. “We are stuck in the dark, in the cold, in the fog, in the rain, without any warning. I understand that this has to happen sometimes, but they need to hold up their end to ensure it happens as little as possible.”

Stromska said switchback­s added “insult to injury” — making trips longer than they need to be.

“At the end of the day, it’s like, I’ve been on this train for ages, and now you tell me I have to get off,” she said.

Later, 45 minutes into her commute, Stromska’s train switched back at 19th Avenue. She stepped off the vehicle to wait in the dark.

 ?? Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle ?? Muni passengers wait for the next train after their N-Judah was turned around at Judah Street and 19th Avenue.
Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle Muni passengers wait for the next train after their N-Judah was turned around at Judah Street and 19th Avenue.
 ?? Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle ?? Muni’s N-Judah train rolls along Judah Street. The line has the most “switchback­s,” in which trains are rerouted to prevent bottleneck­s.
Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle Muni’s N-Judah train rolls along Judah Street. The line has the most “switchback­s,” in which trains are rerouted to prevent bottleneck­s.
 ?? Paul Chinn / The Chronicle ?? Mickey Lim’s L-Taraval ride from his Castro job to his Outer Sunset home is unpredicta­ble because he often has to switch trains.
Paul Chinn / The Chronicle Mickey Lim’s L-Taraval ride from his Castro job to his Outer Sunset home is unpredicta­ble because he often has to switch trains.

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