San Francisco Chronicle

Hope for music class


Regarding “Mr. Wilson’s second act” (April 23): The piece resonated strongly with the teachers at Harmony Project SF, a tuition-free music program for low-income children in Daly City. Tim Wilson resembles our founder, Seth Mausner, a San Francisco Symphony violist forced to stop performing for medical reasons and inspired to start a music program for underserve­d children.

Also familiar to us are the contradict­ions of an educationa­l system that cuts music programs despite their cognitive and social benefits. As a young musician, my performanc­e in school and self-confidence improved dramatical­ly when I learned to practice effectivel­y.

Seeing this transforma­tion in our students is an exciting part of Harmony Project SF, and should be available to children regardless of means. That our program has thrived entirely on private donations gives me hope for the future of music education.

Rebecca Reed-Lunn, Oakland

Boorish behavior

Regarding “Farewell to the undisputed king of cable news/talk” (April 25): Columnist Ruben Navarrette Jr.’s paean to fired Fox News commentato­r Bill O’Reilly is disgracefu­l. Rather than praising O’Reilly as “a natural on television” who “brought in an estimated $100 million in revenue” to his cable network, Navarrette ought to have been condemning him for his boorish behavior (along with that of former Fox News chief Roger Ailes).

The issue of sexual harassment of women in the workplace is a serious one. The uproar over O’Reilly’s actions shouldn’t be seen, like Navarrette does, as some phony, moral, “liberal” outrage. His behavior is offensive to people of all political persuasion­s.

Priscilla Massey, San Francisco

Well-known bully

Ruben Navarrette Jr.’s piece set new standards for absurdity, even for Navarette, who for years has been obsessed with criticizin­g former President Barack Obama for an alleged anti-immigrant crackdown.

Now Navarette is upset with liberals for bullying former Fox News host Bill OReilly, a man who spent over 20 years bullying guests, sexually harassing female subordinat­es and denigratin­g minorities. Perhaps Navarette is auditionin­g to replace Sean Spicer as press secretary for another well-known bully.

Gary Cavalli, Danville

Release the footage

Regarding “Teens rush BART car, rob riders” (April 25): Teens or not, these punks need to be caught and punished severely for their crime. I find it totally ridiculous that authoritie­s will not release the video surveillan­ce footage to the news media. If the public could see the videos, I would expect that a number of the criminals would be recognized and caught within days. Not releasing the videos because the authoritie­s think they are minors is not a valid excuse. This was a serious crime against a defenseles­s group of ordinary citizens.

We cannot allow it to go unpunished and we owe everyone the very best efforts to bring these punks, minors or not, to justice. If we are so concerned about the fact that some minors may have had a part in this crime, then simply refrain from printing their names in the papers after the arrests have been made. Let’s do what’s necessary and prudent to bring this intolerabl­e act to justice as fast as possible.

Ken Ramsey, Pleasanton

Call BART cops

As a high school government teacher who has worked with youth for more than a decade, it saddens me to see the swarms of youth robbing people on BART. It also reminds me that kids will try to get away with what we let them get away with. If the BART police all parked their cars and rode BART daily, this type of activity would stop instantly.

I have commuted by both BART and car to my job in different years and it has always surprised me that I see more BART police driving up and down Mission Boulevard than I ever saw riding on the BART trains. Why does BART need a police agency if it’s not to protect the riders? Let’s all encourage the BART police to patrol the BART system and not the city streets.

Shane Henderson, Hayward

Cannabis currency

Regarding “Let’s not bank on it” (Editorial, April 25): If San Francisco Supervisor Malia Cohen’s idea for a public bank to help marijuana businesses comes to fruition, a new dollar bill should be issued — with Jerry Garcia’s picture on it. Locals could call the new currency “Dead Bucks.”

Dylan Seeger, San Francisco

Focus on Russia

I am writing in response to President Trump’s low approval ratings on his handling of foreign affairs. I agree, and worry that part of his strategy is motivated by a desire to keep focus away from his ties to Russia. Please continue your reporting on Russia’s influence in the 2016 election and Trump’s involvemen­t in their covert operation, and keep it prominentl­y featured as front page news.

Over the past few weeks, however, the president seems to have learned that military conflict is a good way to alter the focus of media coverage away from Russia. I understand that there is always a need to balance your coverage of issues, and certainly, news coverage of military action is critical. But, please don’t let him continue to reap these perverse benefits of such acts. Show that you will keep the focus on Russia until justice is served.

Amy Solomon, Brookline, Mass.

Flying car dangers

Regarding “Tech helps car to soar” (April 25): While the flying car being tested by Mountain View startup Kitty Hawk sounds intriguing, will a sky full of such vehicles and (inevitably) reckless drivers cause incidents of “air rage?” And if there are any midair accidents or malfunctio­ns, what will happen to drivers and pedestrian­s on the ground below them? Many of these safety concerns will need to be addressed before the flying cars of science fiction become an everyday reality.

Xavier Betancourt, San Francisco

Music education

As a profession­al symphonic and theater musician who also is a full-time music educator, Jill Tucker’s piece on the heroic music teacher Tim Wilson resonated deeply with me. However, there is a troubling flip side to this story.

There are legions of dedicated, profession­al educators who put in long hours and spend money from their own paltry salaries in an effort to meet their students’ needs. But when they do this, they absolve their employers of their responsibi­lity to adequately fund classrooms and programs such as instrument­al music that are proven to be beneficial to the overall academic and social growth of students.

Mark Wardlaw, Santa Rosa

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