San Francisco Chronicle




Jan. 20, 2017: Inaugural address promises that this day “will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.”


Jan. 24: Signs executive order calling for faster environmen­tal reviews and approvals for highpriori­ty infrastruc­ture projects, arguing that the projects “are important to allowing Americans to compete and win on the world economic stage.”


Jan. 25: Executive order calls for withholdin­g federal funds from sanctuary cities. Blocked by federal judge on April 25.


Jan. 27: Issues executive order blocking immigratio­n from seven Muslim-majority nations. Blocked by courts almost immediatel­y.


Jan. 31: Nominates Colorado Judge Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court. He is sworn in April 10.


Feb. 3: First trip to his Mar-aLago estate in Florida as president.


Feb. 4: Plays first round of golf as president.


Feb. 13: Michael Flynn, national security adviser for less than a month, resigns after misleading Vice President Mike Pence about conversati­ons with Russians.


Feb. 14: Signs first congressio­nal action, HJ Resolution 41, which nullifies an Obamaera rule that required U.S. companies to report details of deals with foreign countries over rights to natural resources.


Feb. 17: Tweets that the “fake news” media is “the enemy of the American People!”


Feb. 22: Rescinds Obama-era rule requiring schools to treat transgende­r students according to the gender they identify with.


Feb. 28: Addresses joint session of Congress, saying, “America must put its own citizens first. Because only then can we truly make America great again.”


March 4: Tweets that former President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” before the election.


March 6: Issues new, more limited, executive order blocking immigratio­n from six Muslim-majority nations. Blocked by courts almost immediatel­y.


March 10: Fires all 46 U.S. attorneys remaining from the Obama administra­tion.


March 21: Announces he will attend a summit of NATO leaders in Brussels on May 25, the first foreign trip of his presidency.


March 24: House dumps Affordable Care Act repeal-and-reform package backed by Trump without taking a vote.

March 24: Approves the Keystone XL pipeline, reversing the Obama administra­tion’s decision to block the oil project in what president called “a great day for jobs and energy independen­ce.”


March 29: Forms President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis.


April 6: Orders missile attack on Syrian base linked to poison gas attack, which takes place as Trump dines with Chinese President Xi Jinping.


April 13: Quietly signs bill allowing states to deny family planning money to Planned Parenthood.


April 16: Plays 14th round of golf as president.

April 16: Responds to calls to release tax returns with a tweet: “I did what was an almost impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?”


April 17: Gallup daily tracking poll puts Trump’s approval at 41 percent.


April 18: Issues “Buy American, Hire American” executive order calling for tougher rules on bringing in foreign workers and changes to H-1B visa program.


April 26: Releases bare-bones tax plan that will slash business taxes, boost the standard deduction, eliminate most deductions and dump the estate tax.

April 26: Signs executive orders allowing expansion of offshore oil drilling, reviewing previous national monument declaratio­ns and trimming federal involvemen­t in schools.


April 29: Marks first 100 days in office with evening campaign rally in Harrisburg, Pa.

 ?? Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press ?? President Trump applauds on Jan. 31 as he introduces Neil Gorsuch, his choice to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press President Trump applauds on Jan. 31 as he introduces Neil Gorsuch, his choice to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

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