San Francisco Chronicle

Proper way to express opposition to speakers


Regarding “Coulter appearance not about free speech” (April 26): As a lifelong moderate Democrat, I am appalled by the continuing liberal assault on free speech. Why is it so hard to understand that free speech is designed to protect the rights of those with whom we disagree, including but not limited to Ann Coulter?

Otis Taylor Jr. attempts to place blame for antisocial behavior on past scheduled speakers by saying they “incited a riot” and by saying “People were attacked, windows were smashed, and fires were set” rather than saying that protesters committed these acts. Labeling the content of someone’s speech as “hate speech” does not give Taylor or anyone the right to obstruct anyone’s rights of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Perhaps Taylor should spend some time contemplat­ing the concept of “the slippery slope.” Our opposition to the current administra­tion and to their supporters should be passionate and unending, and expressed appropriat­ely.

James McKay, Burlingame

An idea to help dispatcher­s

Regarding “Emergency at 911 — understaff­ing” (April 28): While reading the article about the 911 dispatcher shortage, an idea occurred to me. When there is an overload of calls to 911, why isn’t there a system where the calls are forwarded to fire, police and emergency medical technician­s stations? They in turn could pass the informatio­n on to the appropriat­e place just as the 911 dispatcher­s do. Most calls go to these three agencies anyway, and there is always someone on duty who can answer the phones. Just an idea that could save lives. Rose Marie Sicoli-Ostler, San Francisco

Unbiased cannabis education

Regarding “Parents must fight for control over local cannabis law” (Open Forum, April 26): Though the lead is dramatic in its comparison of opium to cannabis, it galvanizes the reader. What follows is a clear statement of the facts, which is refreshing given today’s penchant for polarized opinions and logical fallacies. So what do we learn?

That cannabis takes a toll on the still-developing teenage brain, and parents need to take action. But I argue that it’s not up to parents alone to make educated decisions about their teenagers’ cannabis consumptio­n. Let’s teach young adults about their own brain developmen­t and the effect cannabis has on it. If parents want to change the way teens think about cannabis, it’s going to take unbiased education.

Sara Phillips, Carmel

A bad fit for democracy

Regarding “100 days of destructio­n” (Editorial, April 28): As this newspaper notes, President Trump’s only “accomplish­ments” in his first 100 days in office, such as rolling back rules on climate change and pollution, have come through executive orders. His “I alone can fix it” proclamati­on when he accepted the Republican presidenti­al nomination last year hasn’t meshed with political reality.

Trump can’t bypass the Constituti­on or Congress to implement his contentiou­s legislativ­e agenda. Our founding fathers created a government with a system of checks and balances, so that no one branch — like the executive one headed by the president — could become too powerful. Trump’s autocratic mind-set is a bad fit for our democracy. Melanie Miranda, San Francisco

How UC office spends funds

Regarding “Audit reveals secret millions at UC” (April 26): I write to correct the false and grossly unfair notion contained in the story that UC’s Office of the President amassed a fund kept secret from the Board of Regents, the Legislatur­e and the public at large. These funds are dedicated to supporting UC’s students and research that benefits the people of California. A full $83 million is restricted to research grants, medical centers and schools, and energy sustainabi­lity, among many programs. An additional $49 million is committed to academic programs and multiyear commitment­s such as initiative­s on climate solutions, undocument­ed students, responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment and bolstering cybersecur­ity across the system.

This leaves the office with a reserve of $38 million, or 10 percent of our budget, a prudent amount for a system office that oversees a budget of $32.5 billion. These initiative­s reflect the core values of the university and address some of the most pressing issues facing our state, nation and world.

The use of these funds was discussed at 16 Board of Regents meetings, included in more than 100 UC news releases, posted online, and featured in dozens of news articles, opinion pieces and public statements. We take issue with the unfounded conclusion­s of the California state auditor’s report and the story, both of which unfairly characteri­ze UCOP and its transparen­t, strategic and deliberate operations that further the mission of a world-class university system. Nathan Brostrom, chief financial officer for the University

of California Office of the President, Oakland

Picturing irony in order

Isn’t it ironic that President Trump would sign an executive order exempting vast areas of protected land beneath a photograph former President Theodore Roosevelt, a president who worked tirelessly to protect vast acres of woodland in the West? Hypocrisy at its best. Anthony Chorosevic,

San Jose

Invest in people instead

Regarding “With data scientists scarce, visa system cries for repair” (Insight, April 23): When I started out as a young computer programmer in the 1980s, my employer sent me to classes, gave me training and paired me with older, more experience­d people to see how they worked. I didn’t earn much in those days. But I learned. I grew profession­ally. And I’m grateful to that company for giving me the opportunit­y.

Hitesh Sheth’s piece about H-1B visas is sickening. He expects employees to come to him fully trained by someone else. Why doesn’t he find people who have a good percentage of the skills he needs, and give them some training to fill the gaps? Invest in people, rather than whining about the shortage of foreign workers. That’s what will make our economy and our country thrive. David Prager San Mateo

Trump’s major success

I don’t understand the uproar about the Trump administra­tion’s lack of achievemen­t in the first 100 days. Here’s a list of major accomplish­ments: Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was fired. Andrew Puzder’s nomination as labor secretary was withdrawn. Alternativ­e-fact purveyor Kellyanne Conway was sent to her room. Press secretary Sean Spicer apologized for insensitiv­e comments about the Holocaust. And chief adviser Steve Bannon lost a power struggle with the president’s son-in-law. In the midst of darkness and disillusio­n, there are a few things to cheer about. Gary Cavalli, Danville

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