San Francisco Chronicle

Republican­s: Stakes raised, but GOP given some cover

- By Joe Garofoli

The appointmen­t of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to oversee the Justice Department’s investigat­ion of Russian meddling in the 2016 election not only intensifie­s the legal stakes facing President Trump — it also delays a possible day of reckoning for congressio­nal Republican­s.

But Republican­s who have largely stood by Trump through his often-chaotic first four months in office signaled even before Mueller’s appointmen­t that they were reposition­ing their approach toward the Russian inquiry, should that day of reckoning come.

In the short term, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s decision to name Mueller as special counsel overseeing the Russian investigat­ion removes some pressure on Republican­s. They can now say that while Mueller’s investigat­ion grinds along, there’s not much they can do about reports that Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey in February to end his probe into former

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s possible ties to the Russians.

“It does sort of insulate Republican­s a bit,” said James Pfiffner, a public-policy professor at American University in Washington, D.C., who has written about scandals involving Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. “But I’m not sure that Republican­s wanted this.”

The problem for the GOP, said Pfiffner: If one of the Republican-led congressio­nal probes now under way “had found something bad, they could tamp down the language a bit in their report. But if a special counsel finds something, (he) can bring criminal charges.”

Some Republican­s acknowledg­ed that the situation for Trump has sharply worsened.

GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona expressed astonishme­nt at the flood of revelation­s over the past week and raised the comparison to the scandal that felled Nixon, telling an Internatio­nal Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday, “We’ve seen this movie before. It’s reaching Watergate size and scale.”

Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was asked by a reporter whether Trump’s reported request to Comey, if true, could be an impeachabl­e offense. He replied, “Yes.”

Such comments amount to “baby steps” in the direction of a possible congressio­nal attempt to remove Trump from office, said Allan Lichtman, author of “The Case for Impeachmen­t,” a book laying out a rationale for ousting Trump.

Lichtman, one of the few pundits who predicted that Trump would win the presidency, said the main pursuit of every politician “is survival ... aAnd if they feel that being close to Trump could hurt them, then they’ll move away from him. It may not be to their political advantage to have Trump to continue to kick around while this drip, drip, drip of a scandal keeps going.”

Several GOP members of Congress put some distance between themselves and Trump for the first time. Among them was Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah — chairman of the oversight panel and a conservati­ve hero for relentless­ly pursuing allegation­s of malfeasanc­e against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the deaths of four Americans in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

On Wednesday, Chaffetz asked the FBI to turn over communicat­ions between Trump and Comey. If the FBI declines, Chaffetz tweeted. “I have my subpoena pen ready.”

Republican Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligen­ce, and Chuck Grassley of Iowa, head of the Judiciary Committee, asked Comey to testify before their panels. Grassley also asked the FBI and White House for records “memorializ­ing interactio­ns with Mr. Comey relating to the FBI’s investigat­ion” of both the Russian election interferen­ce and Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.

With an eye toward their 2018 re-election campaigns, some Republican incumbents who could be vulnerable were already out ahead of the Mueller announceme­nt. They included Rep. Steve Knight, RLancaster (Los Angeles County), who said Tuesday that it was time for a special prosecutor to take over. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County), called in February for an independen­t inquiry. Both represent districts that Clinton won in November.

This kind of political pressure is key, Lichtman said, because this “is absolutely not a constituti­onal crisis unless politician­s make it one.”

John Trasviña, dean of the University of San Francisco’s law school, said a constituti­onal crisis occurs when one of the three branches of government exceeds its powers and “the other branches are unwilling or unable to exert their authority.”

Until Wednesday, Trasviña said, most congressio­nal Republican­s were like an emergency dispatcher who ignores a ringing phone.

“You had a lot of smoke and a little fire and people were calling 911, and there was no answer,” said Trasviña, who was general counsel for the Senate Judiciary subcommitt­ee on the Constituti­on in the 1990s.

What changed Wednesday, he said, wasn’t just the growing unease from Republican­s, but the fact that veterans such as Grassley — who came to Congress in 1975, a year after Nixon’s resignatio­n — stepped forward.

Other analysts pointed out that the Justice Department and congressio­nal probes are still in their infancy.

“People forget that Watergate took two years to unfold,” said Evan Thomas, a longtime journalist and author of the best-selling “Being Nixon: A Man Divided.”

Trump’s reported request to Comey to short-circuit the investigat­ion, if true, “feels like a smoking gun,” Thomas said. “But with obstructio­n of justice, a lot of things need to be known first. It’s way too premature to say that Trump will be impeached or is a goner.”

 ?? Alex Brandon / Associated Press ?? Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. (left), confers with Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., on Capitol Hill next to a photograph of President Donald Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Alex Brandon / Associated Press Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. (left), confers with Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., on Capitol Hill next to a photograph of President Donald Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
 ?? Drew Angerer / Getty Images ?? President Donald Trump delivers the commenceme­nt address at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn.
Drew Angerer / Getty Images President Donald Trump delivers the commenceme­nt address at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn.

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