San Francisco Chronicle

Vogt’s hitting is glovely

- By Susan Slusser Susan Slusser is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer.

SEATTLE — Stephen Vogt started doing something different on this road trip. And he started hitting.

So don’t expect to see the A’s catcher without batting gloves for a while.

“It’s definitely a strange feeling, but I’m going to roll with it,” Vogt said Wednesday.

Save for a few icy nights in the Midwest, Vogt hadn’t worn batting gloves in a game until Saturday, as part of the pink-tinged Mother’s Day uniform. He pinch hit and lined out hard to end the game, putting his average at .198, but he liked the feel of the gloves, and the line drive.

He has worn them since then, going 5-for-12 with a homer and four walks.

“It was maybe just a mental thing. It took my mind off things for a while,” Vogt said. “It feels weird, but for now, I like it. It changed my mindset a little, reminded me I can hit.”

Work with hitting coach Darren Bush also is paying off, Vogt said. Bush told him to focus on his right knee, rather than getting his right foot down, and that has helped him.

Scent of success? Third baseman Trevor Plouffe was burning lavender and sage incense in the clubhouse Wednesday and, he explained, “We had it at home and we’ve been doing really well at home . ... Lavender is very calming and sage is meant to get evil spirits out. Get the bad juju out, you know what I mean? A little bit of dual cleansing going on right now. Bad vibes out, good vibes in.”

“We’re searching for nirvana around here,” infielder Chad Pinder added.

Plouffe said he first began bringing incense to the Coliseum to spiff up the hot/cold tub area. “Our clubhouse is not the most glamorous,” he said, “but a couple of candles changes the whole ambiance.”

Briefly: John Axford will make another rehab outing with Triple-A Nashville on Thursday and is likely to come off the disabled list Sunday . ... The A’s will open the gates an hour early, at 4:30 p.m., on Tuesdays the rest of the season, so fans can see the team take batting practice.

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