San Francisco Chronicle

Shooting comes amid increasing threats of harm

- By Matthew Daly Matthew Daly is an Associated Press writer.

WASHINGTON — A voice mail message directed to Arizona Rep. Martha McSally last month warned “our sights are set on you, right between your ... eyes.” Another voice mail said: “Yeah, Martha, your days are numbered, and next time you show your face in Tucson it might be the last time.”

McSally, a Republican in her second term, forwarded the messages to U.S. Capitol police, resulting in federal charges against an Arizona man.

Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was threatened with lynching by callers infuriated with his effort to impeach President Trump. One caller used a racial insult and said the seven-term African American lawmaker would be “hanging from a tree” if he pursues impeachmen­t.

Since the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise at a Virginia baseball field Wednesday, members of Congress have spoken more freely about how threats of physical violence or death have increased in recent months, leaving lawmakers fearing for their safety as well as the safety of their families and staff.

“I’ve never been so shaken,” said Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.

The Scalise shooting “hits so close to home,” Cramer said. “We’ve all been under this cloud for a while of aggressive social media and threat assessment­s and thinking about families and whatnot and just trying to determine ... is it even worth it” to continue to serve in Congress.

Answering his own question, Cramer said, “of course it is,” but said Scalise’s shooting and threats against fellow lawmakers “does cause contemplat­ion at a level I haven’t had since I’ve taken this job.”

The Capitol is one of the best-guarded buildings in the country, but when the vast majority of lawmakers leave the fortress of Capitol Hill, they’re on their own. Wednesday’s shooting highlights the vulnerabil­ity of lawmakers when they are in public. Only the congressio­nal leaders have security details.

Even before the shooting, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi had begun talking about changes that could improve members’ safety, said Ryan’s spokeswoma­n, AshLee Strong.

Cramer, who holds many “Coffees with Cramer” events around North Dakota, said that several weeks ago, a man walked right up to him and tried to shove money down his shirt collar. Since former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot during a town hall event in Arizona in 2011, police and legislativ­e leaders have urged lawmakers to ensure a local police presence at events, a practice Cramer said he has long followed.

“At this point I think that presence is a requiremen­t to participat­ion” Cramer said, pointing out that it’s not just his safety at risk — it’s everyone who attends.

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., said messages to his office became so vile that he told his staff some years ago he no longer wanted to see them.

“If you would like to come to my office, my district office, I can show you some of the letters I have framed and I keep over my desk for anybody who wants to think this is something about left-wingers,” Clyburn said. “Those are not left-wingers who wrote me that stuff.”

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