San Francisco Chronicle

Trump Jr. follows father’s footsteps


Regarding “Twitter, truth and consequenc­es” ( John Diaz, June 11): Perhaps the only reason that President Trump showed “restraint” by not tweeting about former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony the same day it was given was because he had a close ally do it for him — his son, Donald Trump Jr.

According to Business Insider, the junior Trump fired off more than 80 tweets in defense of his father on that day, most notably that “Knowing my father 39 years when he ‘orders or tells’ you to do something there is no ambiguity, you will know exactly what he means.” And, like his father, Trump Jr. misinterpr­eted words spoken by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, in a wrongheade­d tweet accusing him of being soft on terrorism. When it comes to communicat­ing via Twitter, this Trump progeny has not flown far from the family nest.

Claire Rutherford, San Francisco

A bipartisan solution

Regarding “Governor says Trump’s stance on climate will spur movement” (June 10): Gov. Jerry Brown expressed optimism for a strong response to climate change. This attitude can be seen throughout America since the election for a number of issues, but especially for action against climate change.

Since the 2016 election, the Climate Solutions Caucus has more than doubled in size from its 20 members prior to the election. This bipartisan caucus proves that climate change is not a partisan issue, and a bipartisan solution such as a carbon fee and dividend can be readily achieved with broad support.

Candice Wold, San Francisco

Inspection penalties

Thank you for “Tempers flare in hills as fire funds dry up” (June 11). I am the victim of one of these invoices for failing to pass a previous inspection. These bills arrived with no documentat­ion showing the original or reinspecti­on reports or even what was wrong. Residents are not advised of their original inspection date.

Inspectors just show up and have the right to enter your property everywhere. There’s no opportunit­y to correct minor problems like leaves in your gutters that could result in fail, a reinspecti­on and bill. If your property fails one of 11 subjective criteria, you are subject to reinspecti­on penalties. And if a homeowner challenges the invoice, guess who hears the appeal? Not some impartial third party, but Vincent Crudele himself in secret with no chance for the homeowner to make his or her case.

Bill Levinson, Oakland

Single-payer coverage

After working in the health care insurance industry for six years, I became convinced that putting profits before care was inhuman. It appalled me that every avenue was taken to try to limit hospital stays and expensive procedures. Being a long-term member of Kaiser Permanente, I took it for granted that the health care I needed would also be provided. This has proved to be true, as I am now facing my fourth bout with breast cancer. I find myself in a great dilemma. I’ve been waiting for single-payer/Medicare for all with great passion. But I read last week that this bill would eliminate health maintenanc­e organizati­ons like Kaiser. I am confused as to why Kaiser is not being seen as part of the singlepaye­r solution. I currently have Medicare and Kaiser, and it works beautifull­y. Until Kaiser is part of single-payer, I must vote against it.

Jackie Grant, Walnut Creek

Blame ratings agencies

Regarding “Why suckering Americans has become big business” (Insight, June 4): This article was nourishmen­t for my latent cynicism, but in pointing his finger at those responsibl­e for the global financial crisis, Edward Balleisen failed to identify the ones without whose abuse of authority the crisis could not have existed: the ratings companies.

To pull off that scam of the centuries, the lie had to have the endorsemen­t of trusted and authoritat­ive voices. Junk was sold as AAA credit rating. Balleisen is correct. Trust is dangerous.

Fred Saunders, San Jose

Create a coalition here

Concerning “May gambles and loses big” (Editorial, June 10): Perhaps the embarrassi­ng Conservati­ve Party loss in the latest British elections is a harbinger of changing political forces. Might voters be starting to reject ultranatio­nalist and isolationi­st policies, realizing that they clash with today’s global geopolitic­al realities?

The U.S. Democratic Party ought to emulate the British Labor Party’s “smart, effective campaign” by creating a coalition of young and economical­ly struggling voters as a strategy for winning the 2018 midterm elections.

Cecilia Ventamigli­a, San Francisco

 ?? Kathy Willens / Associated Press ?? Donald Trump Jr. defended his father and mocked James Comey in a series of tweets after the fired FBI director testified before a Senate panel this month.
Kathy Willens / Associated Press Donald Trump Jr. defended his father and mocked James Comey in a series of tweets after the fired FBI director testified before a Senate panel this month.

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