San Francisco Chronicle

California includes 4 more states on travel ban

Attorney general levels accusation­s of LGBT bias

- By Michael Bodley

Decrying a “scourge of discrimina­tion” against LGBT individual­s in four states, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Thursday doubled the number of states subject to California’s state-sponsored travel ban.

Speaking in San Francisco, Becerra increased the number of states that California state employees cannot travel to on official government business from four to eight.

The four additions — Alabama, Kentucky, South Dakota and Texas — each passed state legislatio­n that took effect starting in March that Becerra alleged discrimina­tes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r people and their families.

“The state of California is not going to participat­e in discrimina­tory conduct by other states,” Becerra said.

The states join Kansas, Mississipp­i, North Carolina and Tennessee on California’s list of banned states. The first four were put in place by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Thursday marked Becerra’s first action on the matter since he took office, and he blamed the delayed rollout on the complicati­ons of analyzing four separate pieces of state legislatio­n.

Under a California law that took effect in January, there are a number of exemptions to the ban on travel. The restrictio­ns do apply to the University of California and other state schools.

But the attorney general’s office would not say whether the rules would prevent an athletic team — the California Golden Bears, for example — from playing an away game at one of the affected states. A representa­tive said the office was reviewing the matter.

Asked about the consequenc­es for California in refusing to do business with those states — especially Texas, which boasts the second-largest economy in the United States behind only California — Becerra paused.

“Texas is a big state,” he said, but “the consequenc­es are real” for LGBT people in Texas and elsewhere.

He said he would not rule out adding more states.

California’s top law enforcemen­t official’s edict comes just before San Francisco Pride Weekend, which is expected to bring more than 1 million people to the city in one of the world’s largest, most colorful celebratio­ns of gay pride.

On the possibilit­y of additional sanctions levied against states that do not change their policies to California’s liking, Becerra said Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislatur­e would have to consider the matter.

Becerra said that three of the states added to the list Thursday, Alabama, South Dakota and Texas, have passed legislatio­n that could prevent LGBT individual­s from serving as foster parents or adopting children.

The most recent such legislatio­n was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott June 15. The law allows child welfare providers — including faith-based adoption agencies — to deny adoptions to would-be parents based on “sincerely held religious beliefs.”

Like the other laws derided by Becerra, the Texas legislatio­n argues that the constituti­onal right to religious freedom allows for exemptions to adoptions for religious people who do not support or believe in same-sex marriage.

Speaking with Becerra, Ashley Morris, the ACLU of Northern California’s organizing director, acknowledg­ed the right to religious freedom as an important constituti­onal protection.

But Morris argued that the laws passed by the eight states — which range from the East Coast to near the Canadian border — are discrimina­tory in nature; laws that harm LGBT people more than they protect religious believers.

“We believe that all human beings are equal and should be treated as such,” Morris said.

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