San Francisco Chronicle

A president without precedent


President Trump has produced precious little of the law and order he promised in his “American carnage” inaugurati­on speech. In fact, six long months later, Trump is openly attacking his own top law enforcer, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, contributi­ng to a sense of lawlessnes­s and disorder more palpable than any that existed before he took office.

Trump’s displeasur­e stems from the attorney general’s recusal from the investigat­ion of the Trump campaign’s relationsh­ip with Russia, which was Sessions’ most upstanding decision to date and, given his intimate involvemen­t with the campaign, an ethically inevitable one. Trump, it seems, would rather use the Justice Department to hound his rival Hillary Clinton and plug “leaks” about the investigat­ion of his campaign.

Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey and Sessions’ recusal helped bring about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s appointmen­t of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to lead that investigat­ion. Underminin­g Sessions could enable Trump to hire an attorney general who could fire Mueller. Especially after reports that Trump’s top campaign advisers met with a Kremlin-connected lawyer offering dirt on Clinton — and that the president is exploring his power to pardon himself and his cronies — such a move against Mueller’s investigat­ion would usher in a real crisis of law and order.

Nor is the president contributi­ng to a sense of American security or stability on other fronts. His efforts to cajole his fellow Republican­s in the Senate into undoing the Affordable Care Act bore some fruit Tuesday, when the Senate narrowly voted to begin an open-ended debate that could deprive tens of millions of medical coverage. Trump revealed the depth of his disregard for the details after the vote when he told reporters that Obamacare would be replaced with “a great health care” that would be “really, really wonderful.”

Trump continues to erode confidence in the government in smaller ways, too — from attempting to enlist Navy sailors in congressio­nal lobbying to treating a crowd of Boy Scouts to a rant in which he rehashed the details of his Electoral College victory, threatened to fire a Cabinet member standing next to him and reminisced about a Manhattan cocktail party.

More encouragin­gly, the House voted Tuesday to impose new sanctions for Russia’s election interferen­ce, which Trump has refused to fully acknowledg­e, and limit the president’s power to reverse them. House Speaker Paul Ryan, meanwhile, defended the special counsel as “anything but” partisan. Congress and other institutio­ns’ strength and courage to counter a wayward presidency are being tested as seldom before in American history.

 ??  ?? President Trump chides Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “weak” and “beleaguere­d.”
President Trump chides Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “weak” and “beleaguere­d.”

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