San Francisco Chronicle

Stick that brought fame could put Trump fan away


Kyle Chapman emerged as a stick-wielding hero for white nationalis­ts after the March 4 clash in Berkeley between the president’s supporters and counterpro­testers.

Images and video of Chapman wearing a respirator, shin guards and goggles, and holding a stick and a shield with an American flag sticker, circulated on the Internet.

The stick he appears to strike a counterpro­tester with earned him the nicknames Based Stickman and Alt Knight — and fawning praise from white supremacis­ts who turned his battlefiel­d exploits into propaganda memes.

Now, the stick that brought Chapman, 41, fame could get him locked away for almost a decade.

On Wednesday, the Alameda County district attorney charged him with a felony count of possessing a leadfilled stick.

Chapman, who lives in Daly City, could face up to eight

years in state prison because of a previous violent felony of committing a robbery in Texas.

His arraignmen­t on the stick charge is scheduled for Aug. 25 — two days before a planned rally — again at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, the same location as the March 4 clash. This time, it’s being hailed as the “Battle of Berkeley 3.”

I interviewe­d Chapman on Aug. 14 — two days before he was charged — about the deadly violence in Charlottes­ville, Va.

I wanted to know what he thought of the upcoming Bay Area rallies.

I wanted to know if Chapman supported white supremacis­ts.

“I’ve already spoken about this,” Chapman bristled. “I don’t play the game where I have to sit there and condemn over and over again. I’m not going to buy into that.”

He told me he’s not racist, because he has an Asian wife. That has caused some of the people who celebrated him to condemn him on Internet forums such as Stormfront, an online support group for aggrieved white supremacis­ts.

Chapman added that he lost followers when he previously condemned hate groups.

“I lost 40 percent of my supporters when I came out and did a post,” he said. “I said, ‘Look, you guys need to stop it with the racism, stop it with the violence.’ I’m not about that. I want to bring all people together.”

And yes, at a rally in late April to support Ann Coulter’s hate speech at UC Berkeley, I watched as Chapman pushed back a horde of right-wing soldiers who mistook Berkeley High School students leaving school as their enemy.

Still, Chapman’s actions have shown him aligned with white supremacis­ts. At the April 15 melee in Berkeley, Chapman engaged counterpro­testers alongside Nathan Damigo, the founder of the white nationalis­t group Identity Evropa.

I pushed for clarity: Does he stand by white supremacis­ts?

“I’ve already condemned it, and that’s all I have to do,” Chapman said. “I don’t owe you an explanatio­n when I’ve already given the explanatio­n.”

During our 30-minute conversati­on, Chapman pinned the blame for the altercatio­ns in Berkeley, Charlottes­ville and elsewhere on the police for, he said, refusing to intervene as masked antifascis­ts and Black Lives Matter advocates attacked demonstrat­ors.

Chapman, who didn’t respond to my request for a second interview, railed against the charge on Twitter, calling it “bogus.” He wrote that he was “ready to go to jail for this movement.”

That’s cool, but if convicted, that’s not what he’d be facing jail for.

Based Stickman would be facing jail for wielding a stick as a weapon.

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 ?? Chang W. Lee / New York Times ?? Kyle Chapman of Daly City faces a felony charge of carrying a lead-filled stick at a Berkeley protest.
Chang W. Lee / New York Times Kyle Chapman of Daly City faces a felony charge of carrying a lead-filled stick at a Berkeley protest.

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