San Francisco Chronicle

Mandatory service


Regarding “To heal divided country, require national service” (Open Forum, Aug. 22): Mark Hazelwood is right on target with regards to our lack of civic engagement. While we should resist over-romanticiz­ing “the good old days,” it is clear that Americans are increasing­ly self-absorbed and oblivious to the needs of community. I would fully support mandatory national service and, yes, reinstatem­ent of the military draft.

You can be sure that there never would have been war in Iraq if we had a draft that did not allow exemptions for the privileged. So, what stands in our way? Political cowardice. Politician­s bank on the disinteres­ted swing vote to keep them in office. If our representa­tives really want to show some spine, they would push for a mandatory national service system. Involvemen­t develops community, and having some skin in the game sharpens the mind.

Roger Drosd, San Francisco

National service benefits

This is an idea that is timeless. From Alexander Hamilton to former President John F. Kennedy, our country can only benefit from generation­s with a vested interest in the success of our society, rather than fostering generation­s of armchair critics. We need energetic young people to work in public programs, and we have the underlying structure in place. Who among our elected leaders will champion this?

Amanda Ebey, San Rafael

Monumental madness

Regarding “State monuments’ protection at risk” (Page One, Aug. 20): The Chronicle notes that five national monuments located in California are under review because of a President Trump executive order. The rationale for the order is partly to determine if these monuments would prevent energy developmen­t or otherwise curtail economic developmen­t. Surely, places like the Giant Sequoia and Carrizo Plain national monuments need oil derricks and mine shafts to enhance their economic value.

On the other hand, with regards to removing Civil War monuments that celebrate people who were at war with the United States, President Trump tweets, “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments.” Perhaps a solution to this monumental madness is to replace all Confederat­e monuments with much needed oil derricks. If oil wells were in those city parks, there would probably be no more torches used in demonstrat­ions. Jeremy Durfee, San Rafael

Afghanista­n questions

After hearing President Trump’s speech, two things come to mind. Who will be paying for the endless war against terror? Will he tax the rich and the corporatio­ns more? Since he will not “nation build,” will he leave Afghanista­n permanentl­y in ruins caused by the many bombing raids required to kill terrorists?

Alfred Jan, Santa Clara

Buzzkill announceme­nt

The solar eclipse on Aug. 21 was a remarkable day in that it brought together a diverse cross section of people across the nation to celebrate in the joy and wonder of a rare natural event. This would have been a golden opportunit­y for President Trump to build upon that goodwill with a feel-good statement or display of unity. Instead, what we got at the end of a beautiful day was a buzzkill announceme­nt about expanding the endless war in Afghanista­n. Kurt Howard, San Rafael

No satisfacti­on for far left

I am still wondering what President Trump could have said to placate the far left, and indeed the press, in the wake of the Charlottes­ville, Va., tragedy. What would have been acceptable? Actually, nothing would have satisfied the anti-Trumpers, it’s that simple. Still reeling from an election loss, they just can’t accept that Trump is the president. Moreover, they know that Hillary Clinton blew it, but they refuse to place the blame on her or her inept campaign, so no matter what Trump does, it’s wrong.

It’s really that simple. A poor candidate with no message blows it, and the Democrats are off the rails with excuses and condemnati­ons of the election they could have won. Sounds like the worst case of sour grapes in a long time.

Raymond Moreno, San Francisco

Answer trolling with peace

I am writing as a private citizen who, like many of my fellow San Franciscan­s, deplores the potentiall­y violent and hateful tactics of those who would march in support of the evil supremacy that so many of our ancestors fought to erase. The march by the Patriot Prayer group is not a march. It is a cynical trolling tactic to incite violence. If we succumb to violence, we lose. So let’s refuse to be manipulate­d. Rather, let’s affirm the integrity of our community and our belief in justice by waging peace. A peaceful protest taps into the courage of the ages and ultimately withers hate.

Paula Collins, San Francisco

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